Page 30 - Module 2: Teachers Guide for Getting Ready for Writing PONY
P. 30
Module 2: Getting Ready for Writing Teacher’s Guide.
IWB000 - Matching Activity - Finding objects begining with the sound o.
Georgia the Shetland Pony loves the letter o. It reminds her of her big round tummy! Draw a circle around the pictures that begin with the sound o.
Copyright 2018 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme
Objective: Matching Georgia the Shetland Pony to pictures beginning with letter o.
Lesson Plan:
Building and reinforcing the cognitive association between Georgia the Shetland Pony and a single letter sound o.
1. On a table provide the children with a copy of page 181 from the Activities Manual or print off page IWB252 from the IWB programme and a pencil.
2. Talk to the children about the sound o. Ask them to tell you things that begin with the sound.
3. Introduce the children to the worksheet and ask them to name the pictures. “Which ones begin with the sound ‘o’?”
4. The children can then complete the worksheet independently.
More to Learn:
1. You can extend this activity to the other Georgia the Shetland Pony letters. Support the activity using the illustrated Georgia the Shetland Pony letter cards so children can look within the classroom to find objects that begin with the same sound.
© 2016. Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited
Cognitive Skills