Page 3 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
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Welcome                           What’s inside

        Welcome to the October/November    04  Chair’s introduction             20  Police Minister praises roads
        2021 edition of federation - the
        magazine for members of West       05  Pensions myth-busting               policing units
        Midlands Police Federation.                                             21  ‘You need a pay rise’
          We are always on the look-out for   05  Police widows await court
        good news stories so please get in     ruling on ‘unjust’ pension rule  21  IOPC support for amendment
        touch if you have  something to share                                      to new bill
        with colleagues. It does not have to   06  More progress with moves to
        relate to your policing role – though   better protect police drivers   22  Call for consistent training
        we are definitely interested in hearing
        about what’s going on around the   07  Two officers in line for Police     standards
        Force. Do you have an interesting      Bravery Award                    22  Award for Scott
        hobby or perhaps you are involved in
        sport locally, as a player, a manager, a   08  Pay row: members urged to   22  Better support
        coach?                                 contact MPs
          Just get in touch and let us know.                                    22  ‘Roads policing: an essential
          We would also be interested to hear   09  NPCC steps in and back officers  part of the police service
        what you would like to see featured in
        your magazine.                     09  Police Federation places         23  More tests and levelled
                                               Pension Scheme Advisory             enforcement needed across the
                                               Board on notice                     UK to tackle drug driving

                                           10  New reps are welcomed after      24  Roads policing lead calls for
                                               branch elections                    more support for new recruits

        Published by:                      12  Trainee detective inspired by    24  ‘Review offers chance to fix big
        XPR (UK) Ltd
        Editor:                                ‘superhero’ superintendent          problems’
        John Nott, chair                       father                           25  Retirement seminars - 2022
        Deputy editor:
        Chris Cooper,                      13  PCSO turned student detective       dates are set
        Member services team leader            hopes to grow career in force                                             25  Chief’s Award for Steve
        Design and sub-editing:            14  Recruit turns lives around by
        XPR (UK) Ltd                                                            27  Fed’s Care on Demand service
                                               sharing own mental health
        Contact us:                            experience                          takes hassle out of seeing a GP
        Guardians House,
        2111 Coventry Road,                                                     28  Officer praises counselling
        Sheldon, Birmingham,               15  ‘There was no choice to make        support from Federation
        B26 3EA                                - I had to stop him before he
        Telephone:                             killed someone’                     initiative
        0121 752 4900
                                                                                28  Thank you
        Email:                             16  Chair attends National Police
                                               Memorial Day                     29  Make a date with fundraising                                                    calendar
        Federation is printed by XPR (UK) Ltd on behalf   19  We will remember them
        of West Midlands Police Federation.                                     31  PTC offers amnesty for new
        The articles published do not necessarily reflect   19  Jon addresses Act of   subscribers
        the views of the Branch Council. The editor   Remembrance service
        reserves the right to reject or edit any material                       31  ‘I would happily recommend
        submitted.                         20  Conference puts road policing
        Every care is taken to ensure that                                         the PTC to colleagues’
        advertisements are accepted only from bona   under the spotlight
        fide advertisers. The Police Federation cannot                          33  Offering amazing value and
        accept liability for losses incurred by any
        person as a result of a default on the part of an                          peace of mind!
        All material is copyright and may not be   Advertisers
        reproduced without the express permission of
        the editor.
                                           02  McAlister, family law            34  First Call Financial, independent
                                           26  Police Insure, motor, home, motorcycle   mortgage advice
                                              and travel insurance              35  NARPO, member services
                                           30  George Burrows, life insurance   35  Gorvins, police and family law
                                           32  George Burrows, financial health check  36  Irwin Mitchell, family law
                                           34  Warren & Co, independent
                                              mortgage advice                                      federation October/November 2021      03
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