Page 5 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
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Pensions myth-busting
anniversary of the death of PC Malcolm
(Mac) Walker. Former colleagues also
attended this service along with members of Some of the myths surrounding the of the potential sex discrimination in the
Mac’s family. current situation around the police proposed remedy.”
Events such as these really do show just pension schemes were dispelled at an Police Money Matters started the
how unique the role of the police officer is. informative and interesting online evening by giving a presentation around
Officers sign up to fight and prevent meeting arranged specifically for the different pensions schemes, how they
crime, to maintain order, to protect the members of West Midlands Police work, the proposed remedy to the
vulnerable but as they do they also accept Federation. discrimination found in the
the risks their role can entail. The meeting, held on 7 October, was implementation of the 2015 scheme and
In recent years, while carrying out their attended by around 100 members, and what that means to people.
duties, we have been appalled to see the was hosted by West Midland Police There was also an offer for individuals
rising tide of assaults to which they have Federation chair Jon Nott and deputy to have one to one consultations and to be
been subjected. secretary Tim Rogers. provided with individual figures outside
They have been beaten, they have been Also on hand to give an update were the meeting.
spat at, they have had vehicles driven at national Federation vice-chair Ché Donald One officer said after the meeting:
them and yet, day after day, police officers and secretary Alex Duncan. “That was a brilliant and informative
turn in for duty not really aware of what “The meeting, which we were able to webinar and I am very grateful for you
their shift may bring. arrange at quite short notice, helped to guys putting it on.”
During the pandemic, this has been ever dispel some myths and provide accurate Jon commented: “My thanks go to Ché,
more evident. I still can’t quite get my head information to people. There was an Alex and Police Money Matters for
round how quickly some people learned to opportunity for members to ask questions attending and presenting to our members.
weaponise Covid-19 by threatening to spit and an update from Ché and Alex around We appreciate how much frustration there
or cough over officers while claiming to have the proposed remedy covering the areas has been about the pension schemes and
the virus. that are still being looked at and we are doing all we can to ensure people
Officers were really walking into the highlighted to the Government in terms are given up to date and accurate
unknown when the pandemic first began of where there are concerns,” says Jon. information. We are hoping to get some
and in the 18 months since then we have “There was also an update around the more dates for future events so that we
seen them put under almost intolerable Judicial Review being run by the Police can reach more officers so please keep an
strain – juggling the needs of their families Superintendents’ Association in eye on our website and social media as we
with the needs of the Force and the country. conjunction with the Federation, in terms will announce dates as soon as we can.”
Their mental health has been affected
and I am sure we will see more evidence of Police widows await court
this over the next few months.
up to work, put on their uniform and, just as ruling on ‘unjust’ pension rule
But so many officers have simply turned
you would expect, they have got on with the
job they signed up to do. Campaigners have reached a critical point hearing, which will take place on 5 -6
I don’t think anyone signs up to policing in their legal bid to overturn a rule which April 2022.
to become rich, and I don’t for one minute they say discriminates against police West Midlands Police widow Kate
think they swear the oath expecting to be widows and widowers. Hall said: “It gives me hope to hear Judge
thanked over and over again for what they Regulation C9 of the Police Pension Sephton acknowledge that there should
do. Regulations 1987 prevents the widow/ be a full judicial review - during which
But I do believe that police officers’ role widower of a police officer from receiving evidence can be presented that
in society is completely under-appreciated their loved one’s police pension if they Regulation C9 remains discriminatory,
by politicians and by some sections of the remarry or cohabit. unfair and a breach of our fundamental
media. Campaigners have long argued that human rights.
As a Federation, we are the first to admit Regulation C9 discriminates against Regulation C9 is responsible for
that an officer who breaks the law deserves widows and widowers and breaches their widespread misery. Finally after many
to be punished. One bad apple really can human rights, as they are unable to years of campaigning, there is the
cause incredible damage and reflects badly remarry or cohabit without financial possibility that that misery may finally be
on the rest of the hard-working and penalty, and those who have already coming to an end. Finally we may be able
committed officers who want nothing more remarried or moved in with a partner to lead a normal life. I don’t think that is
than to serve and protect their communities, continue to endure financial losses. too much to ask.”
upholding the law, keeping order. Three individuals who are challenging Kate’s husband, Colin, died on 29
But we need to see some balance in the the rule, with support from the National November 1987 when he was 40-years-
media. Expose the wrong-doing, but don’t Association of Retired Police Officers old. A police dog handler, he collapsed
tarnish all police officers due to the wrong- (NARPO) and the Police Federation, and died after helping quell a disturbance
doings of a relatively small number of their presented documents to the High Court in at a block of flats.
colleagues. Manchester in August. The Federation, NARPO and the legal
Perhaps attend National Police Memorial His Honour Judge Sephton QC team will continue to work with the lead
Day and get an understanding of what it determined that their claims should be applicants to bring their legal claim to
means to be a police officer. allowed to proceed to a full and final the High Court. federation October/November 2021 05