Page 4 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 4

Chair’s introduction

       Honouring the

       memory of our

       fallen colleagues

                                               Last year, what would have been my   each and every year.
                                            first National Police Memorial Day service      Looking around the cathedral, you can
                                            was held virtually due to the pandemic and   see husbands and wives, partners, parents,
                                            organisers put a restriction on the number   children, brothers and sisters, colleagues,
                                            of people who could attend this year’s   chief officers, Federation representatives,
                                            service at Lincoln Cathedral.       civic dignitaries and politicians pausing to
                                               This year, standing outside the   remember those who gave up their lives to
                                            cathedral ahead of the service on what was   serve their communities.
                                            a warm and sunny September day, it was      It is a moving service and particularly so
                                            clear to see families in attendance   during the minute’s silence when petals
                                            reacquainting themselves with friends that   flutter down from the vast roof-space of the
                                            they had probably not seen in the two   cathedral to signify remembrance while
                                            years since the last service.       “Abide With Me” is played and then the “Last
                                               They all belong to a group that no one   Post” is sounded.
                                            wants to join; a group made up of the      You can read more about this year’s
                                            loved ones left behind when an officer fails   service on pages 16 to 19.
                                            to make it home after their shift.     This year, due to the restrictions at the
                                               But out of adversity, they seem to find   cathedral, forces across the country also
                                            comfort, support and life-long friendships   hosted their own Acts of Remembrance the
                                            with those who truly know how that feels.  day after the service and the Force took part
                                               The service itself is formal, and sombre,   in this with a short service at Lloyd House.
                                            but there is a real focus on the families and      Then less than a week later, deputy
                                            the need for the police service to stand   branch chair John Williams and I attended a
                                            with them, to share their grief, respect   memorial service at Sutton Coldfield Police
                                            their feelings and honour fallen officers,   Station organised to mark the 20th
       By Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police
       Federation                                 As a Federation, we are the first to admit that

            his year, for the first time since I was   “
            elected as chair of West Midlands     an officer who breaks the law deserves to be
       TPolice Federation, I represented our      punished. One bad apple really can cause
       branch at the annual National Police
       Memorial Day service.                      incredible damage and reflects badly on the
          Of course, I have long appreciated the
       significance of this event but attending in   rest of the hard-working and committed officers
       person does really bring it home to you how
       important it is that we honour our fallen   who want nothing more than to serve and
          The service is not just a fitting tribute to   protect their communities, upholding the law,
       those officers who have paid the ultimate   keeping order.
       price but also serves to show their families                          “
       that they too are not forgotten.

       04       federation  October/November 2021                        
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