Page 13 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 13

terms of the life of a police officer.
          “The team at Brierley Hill knew that I
       had applied to be an officer and knew I
       really wanted to get stuck in and learn the
       job, so they took the time to work with me
       and support me as a Special Constable. In
       return, I volunteered over the 16 hours
       expected each month and worked
       full-time during school holidays,” she says,  Roads policing
          April had originally considered policing
       as a career when she was at school but
       instead went into education. Having had a
       change of heart, she joined the Specials to   ‘inadequate’
       get a taste of policing and then applied to
       join the regulars.
          The recruitment process took about 18
       months.                                     uts to roads policing budgets   our roads safely. Between 2015 and 2018,
          Despite no longer working at the         leading to a drop in the number of   an average of just over 1,600 people lost
       school, she hopes when she starts working  Cdedicated roads policing officers   their lives each year on our roads network
       in the community that she can visit the   have been blamed for a gradual increase in   and many more were seriously injured. That
       primary school where she worked to serve   road deaths after more than 30 years of   should be impactive enough in itself to
       as an inspiration to the young pupils.  steadily declining fatalities.   make police leaders decide to take action.
          “I want to show them that you can do      A new report by Her Majesty’s      “This report is putting the blame for
       anything if you put your mind to it,” she   Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire &   these figures squarely down to cuts to
       says, “I have worked closely with     Rescue Services (HMICFRS) called “Roads   funding and an apparent decline in the
       vulnerable children and their families and I   Policing: not optional” highlights the fact   priority given to roads policing. So will this
       hope that when they see me in my      that £120 million cuts to roads policing   be sufficient to prompt a reinvestment in
       uniform, working as a police officer, I can   budgets between 2013 and 2019 were   roads policing? I really hope so. We need
       inspire them and show them that the   reflected in a ‘substantial decrease’ in   chief officers and Police and Crime
       police are here to support and help our   police enforcement activity in particular   Commissioners to act on the
       communities.”                         the targeting of the Fatal Four of drink and   recommendations in this report to halt the
          For now though, she is back to online   drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, excess   steady increase in deaths on our roads and
       training which she says is quite difficult   speed and driving while distracted, for   also tackle the criminal elements making
       because you miss out on the conversations   example, by using mobile phones.  use of our roads network.”
       with trainers and the interactivity with the      It found roads policing in some forces      Tim acknowledged that West Midlands
       rest of the class.                    was inadequate, that often capability and   Police was one of only two of the seven
          She will then move onto the        capacity did not meet demand and that a   inspected – the other being the Met –
       investigations team at Wolverhampton for   lack of co-ordination hindered effective   where HMICFRS praised strategic leaders,
       eight weeks, before taking annual leave,   engagement with partners and the public.   officers and staff for demonstrating a
       embarking on another two weeks of     It also called for roads policing to be   strong commitment to roads policing and
       university training and another eight-week   standardised and accredited, as one of 13   the positive effect this had on road safety
       placement on response at Brierley Hill.  recommendations to improve the   but called on the Force to properly analyse
          “There have been some changes to our   effectiveness of roads policing in England   its commitment to roads policing and
       schedule along the way due to coronavirus   and Wales, and also urged the   continue to further improve. The other
       but, as a group, we are taking each week   Government to include roads policing   forces inspected were Devon and Cornwall,
       as it comes and we are all learning that we   within the Strategic Policing Requirement.  Dorset, Humberside, Staffordshire and
       need to be flexible,” she explains.      “Sadly, this report does not come as   South Wales.
          While working within the Force, the   any great surprise to me at all,” says Tim      Only 19 of the 43 forces in England and
       students will be given protective learning   Rogers, deputy secretary of West Midlands   Wales listed roads policing or road safety as
       weeks so that they can keep up to date   Police Federation and response driving   a priority in their police and crime plans.
       with their studies and the onus is on them   lead for the Police Federation nationally,      The report concluded: “There is a clear,
       to make sure they keep their tutors up to   “The inspectors’ views echo what we have   and pressing, need for government, Police
       date with the deadlines they are working   been saying for some time. Roads policing   and Crime Commissioners, chief officers,
       to with their course work.            has been allowed to slip down the list of   and the College of Policing to recognise the
           “You really do have to manage your   priorities. It has been under-funded   importance of roads policing in reducing
       own time,” says April, “But I am very   meaning that it has become under-  death on the roads.”
       grateful that, having been a Special, and   resourced and people have been paying for      Read the full report and
       knowing others who have already been   that with their lives.            recommendations at
       through the recruitment process, I already      “I am not sure what it is going to take
       had an understanding of how the Force   for the Government, chief officers and      More details will appear in the next
       works and what is expected of you.”   Police and Crime Commissioners to realise   edition of our Federation magazine.
          Aware of the work of the Federation,   what a critical role roads policing officers   l  Read the views of some of our roads
       she also signed up as a member as soon as   play in helping ensure that people can use   policing officers on Page 14 and 15.
       she could.                                       federation August/September 2020       13
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