Page 15 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 15

Roads policing:

                                                                                have your say

                                                                                Federation members should make the most
                                                                                of an opportunity to help shape the future of
                                                                                roads policing, says West Midlands Police
                                                                                Federation deputy secretary Tim Rogers.
                                                                                   Tim, who is the national Federation lead
                                                                                on response driving, has successfully
                                                                                campaigned for a change in the law to give
         ‘We need                                                               police drivers better protection in law and is
                                                                                also seeking legislative reform that will give
                                                                                officers the power to make someone get out
         re-investment’                                                         of their vehicle following a police stop.
                                                                                   But he now wants as many officers as

                                                                                possible to contribute to a call for evidence
                                                                                launched by the Department for Transport
                                                                                (Dft) as part of a review of roads policing also
                                                                                involving the National Police Chiefs’ Council
       There needs to be a reinvestment in roads   mean by that is not that traffic officers   and the Home Office.
       policing to allow more officers to move into   should avoid crime but in that courses are      Tim believes the fact that there has been
       this specialist area.               fewer, training is poor and the attitude of   no significant fall in the number of people
          That is the view of a member of the   some newer officers, but not all, is not   killed or seriously injured on the nation’s
       West Midlands roads policing unit (RPU)   traffic-orientated.            roads in the last 10 years means roads
       with almost 20 years’ service under his belt.     “The traffic officer basics are not   policing has to be prioritised and that the
          “I’m forever being told by family and   understood by newer officers, what was   review could lead to a re-investment in an
       friends that you don’t see many traffic   once dealt with by one department has   under-resourced area.
       officers on the roads anymore. We do need   been split into several departments      “It is a shocking reality that there are
       more specialist roads policing officers but   although some of this is a good idea -  SCIU/  currently around 1,800 deaths a year on our
       newer traffic officers should also be given   road harm.                 roads. When you take into account that is
       training and input into investigation and      “But technology, equipment and vehicles   twice the number of deaths from homicides
       upskilled with a vehicle examiner’s course,   – with ANPR, digital cameras and mobile   and acts of terrorism combined you get an
       PG9, driving grades,” he said.      devices - and dedicated SCIU and FLO have   idea of the scale of the problem we have,”
          “Road policing, in my opinion, is an   improved - although some would argue this   says Tim.
       important part of policing. Everyone uses   deskills officers in some areas of      “The cuts to policing have had a
       the roads and focus should be given to this   investigation.”            devastating impact on the police service as a
       area. Traffic officers should not be dragged      The most challenging parts of the role,   whole but they have been particularly felt in
       away to deal with other areas of policing   he said, is case times taking years not   roads policing where the number of
       unless there is an operational need. Bearing   months now, with sentences given still   dedicated officers has fallen, in relative
       in mind we had 21 OCUs with         under par for the offences, coping with the   terms, by far more than the overall reduction
       approximately one sergeant and 12 officers   pressure from not only managing the   in police numbers.
       per area or OCU and I think my old area is   caseloads  but also CPS wish lists and family      Dedicated roads policing officers make up
       now lucky to get one traffic car as and when,   expectations and balancing each   just four per cent of total force strength with
       thinking we would have two traffic cars   investigation.                 a significant number being double-hatted
       every shift 24 hours a day.            “Non-stops are still the same with no   too.”
          “We need re-investment for public   continuity in assistance at times, and little      Find out more and give evidence at
       confidence, visibility, enforcing and   or no support from senior management; we
       educating motorists in all areas of traffic   feel like the poor relation nowadays.”
       law, dealing with collisions from slight to      But he enjoys being allowed to get on
       fatal.                              with my job and getting the investigation
          “The role of a traffic officer has been   completed to a high standard leaving no
       watered down over the years and drawn   stone unturned to get the answers for
       into more crime-orientated duties. What I   families of loved ones killed on the road.
               We need re-investment for public confidence,

               visibility, enforcing and educating motorists in all

               areas of traffic law, dealing with collisions from

               slight to fatal.           “
                                        federation August/September 2020      15
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