Page 11 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 11

Officer assaults

       ‘Mental impact

       of assaults

       has to be considered’

              ore emphasis needs to be placed   decisions taken by the CPS they have a   Federation’s response driving lead, is
              on the psychological impact of   victim’s right to review and this should not   currently working on plans for an
       Massaults on officers, says the     be forgotten,” says John, “Sometimes we are   amendment to the Police Powers and
       deputy chair of West Midlands Police   seeing charges for assaults on the police   Protections Bill, which is due before
       Federation.                         being dropped as if they are less important   Parliament in the autumn, which will give
          John Williams, who represents the   than other allegations but I think the words   police powers to require a driver to get out of
       Federation at the Force’s assaults meetings,   of Rory Stewart when he was justice minister   their vehicle after a police stop.
       said the Force needs to realise that it is not   should be in everyone’s minds.
       always the physical injuries an officer      “He said an assault on any individual or
       receives that have a lasting impact on them.  citizen in our society is terrible but an assault
          “We speak to officers who may have only   on an emergency worker was an attack on   Sentences could
       received a minor injury and yet it has a   everyone since these people are society’s
       profound effect on them mentally,” says   constituted representatives, protecting it and   be doubled for
       John, “It can affect their confidence when   delivering services on its behalf. Therefore he
       carrying out their duties, play over and over   argued these attacks should be punished   officer assaults
       in their minds, cause sleep disturbances and   more severely than an attack simply on an
       anxiety. This can then affect their   individual victim.                   Doubling the maximum sentences for
       relationships with their families, friends and      “I think that is true and that is why we   offenders convicted of assaulting police
       colleagues.                         need to see these offenders receive tough   officers will only be effective if the
          “At the other end of the scale, you can   sentences as a punishment but also as a   courts use the powers available to
       hear of officers who receive far more serious   deterrent to others.”      them, according to West Midlands
       physical injuries but bounce back and are      During the assaults meeting, John raised   Police Federation chair Jon Nott.
       largely unaffected. The point is you can’t   the Federation’s concerns about a Force      Jon was speaking after the
       assume anything. Each officer’s individual   ‘awareness video’ which shows officers how   Government launched a four-week
       circumstances and feelings have to be taken   to stop vehicles safely. While welcoming the   consultation that could lead to the
       into account. There is no one approach that   video, the Federation is concerned that the   maximum sentences for assaulting
       you can take and the Force has to be   film only relates to drivers who are   emergency workers being increased to
       mindful of this.”                   compliant.                             two years in prison.
          The Federation has urged the Force to      John also asked if there was any intention      The review into the Assaults on
       also consider an appeals process when an   to incorporate vehicle extraction into the   Emergency Workers (Offences) Act
       investigation into an officer assault results   Force’s personal safety training but was told   2018 was launched on 13 July by the
       in ‘no further action’ and has welcomed the   this was difficult due to the time involved   Justice Secretary, Lord Chancellor
       fact this is going to be discussed in more   and funding issues.           Robert Buckland and Home Secretary
       detail.                                Tim Rogers, deputy secretary of West   Priti Patel.
          “When officers are unhappy with the   Midlands Police Federation and the national                                      federation August/September 2020       11
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