Page 21 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 21

Retirement seminar programme

      Retirement seminars re-start

            he Federation’s retirement seminars   Federation.                   to take their partners along too but for the
            programme has been resumed but      “We are also considering a pensions and   remainder of this year at least, due to the
       Twith reduced numbers of officers   financial wellbeing webinar that would be   restrictions on numbers to allow for social
       being able to attend and social distancing   open to officers with more time left before   distancing, they will be open to officers only.
       and other safety measures in place.  they retire to provide information about      Among the topics covered at the
          Aimed at officers in their last three years   their pension and also to help in making   seminars are:
       of service, the seminars planned for April,   financial decisions that would be more   l  Managing change and uncertainty
       May and June were all cancelled and any   beneficial by having a longer timeframe to   l  CV writing and interview techniques
       member who may have missed out as a   take effect.                       l  Transferable skills
       result is being offered the chance to      “Members interested in re-arranging a   l  Pensions
       re-schedule or take part in a webinar that   seminar or taking part in either of the   l  How do I manage money and these
       would cover many of the topics in a more   planned webinars should just register their   financial changes?
       condensed format.                   interest by emailing the Federation.”  l  Budgeting
          “We are scoping the feasibility of putting      The existing seminar programme   l  Starting your own business
       together a webinar which might also be   restarted in July. PPE will be provided for   l  Taxation
       useful as a pre-attendance session for the   everyone attending with cleaning stations   l  New horizons (what’s next?)
       full seminars and full details will be   and hand sanitisers also available. Where   l  Savings
       announced shortly,” says Steve Grange,   possible, a one-way system will be in place.  l  Investments and finances
       secretary of West Midlands Police      Those attending are usually encouraged   l  Protecting your wealth.
     “         Members interested in re-arranging a seminar                     their interest in attending retirement

                                                                                   Members are being urged to register
                                                                                seminars in 2021 by emailing
               or taking part in either of the planned webinars

                                                                                   Please ensure you put ‘Retirement
                                                                                seminar’ and the month you would prefer to
               should just register their interest by emailing
                                                                                attend in the subject title and include your
                                                                                name, work email address, personal email
               the Federation.               “                                  address, personal phone number and
                                                                                proposed retirement date in the email.                                       federation August/September 2020      21
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