Page 25 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 25

Added protection

       New policy on DSI

       Officers involved in any Post-Incident   Nott, chair of West Midlands Police   make sure they understand the new
       Procedures (PIP) will now be given the   Federation, “For many years, there has been a   processes.”
       protection afforded to those subjected to a   death or serious injury policy in place for      Steve Hartshorn, the national
       firearms PIP.                        firearms officers. This has been thoroughly   Federation’s PIP lead, added: “We will
          This comes after the College of Policing   tested through the courts and sets a   continue to support our members who are
       yesterday launched a Death or Serious Injury   standard to ensure officers are protected but   involved in a PIP not only through our
       Authorised Professional Practice (DSI APP)   also helps them provide the best evidence.  Welfare Support Programme but also by
       Policy.                                 “As the PIP processes are also used for   ensuring they have the right legal advice.
          The policy sets out the steps that should   any incident in which there is a death or   We encourage anyone who finds
       be taken by a force to protect officers legally,   serious injury following police contact, it   themselves in this situation to contact
       look after their welfare and support them   makes complete sense for a policy to be in   their local Federation rep as soon as
       during an investigation.             place for any officer involved in a PIP. I would   possible so we can get them the assistance
          “We welcome this new policy,” says Jon   advise all officers to read the APP guidance to   they need.”

       Regs reminder: short notice change to duties

       All officers should receive at least three   l  An interval between rostered rest days   operational and practical circumstances rather
       months’ notice to any changes in duties –   not exceeding seven days.    than purely on financial grounds. Because
       unless the Force deems it to be due to   l  The only time these regulations can be   rosters are produced annually a number of
       exigencies of duty.                    waivered from is due to the officer’s   unforeseen reasons for changes may
          Before duties are published, the chief   own request, a previous agreement   subsequently arise.
       officer has to fully consult with the Police   with the Federation or through      It is clearly not possible to produce an
       Federation at least once a year and all duty   exigencies of duty.       exhaustive list of all of the potential reasons,
       rosters have to be published no later than      The term exigencies of duty should be   which may necessitate changes. However, by
       one month before the date it starts.  interpreted as relating to situations where a   way of example, unforeseen public order
          Each roster will set out for at least three   pressing demand, need or requirement is   situations, court attendance and essential
       months the following:                perceived that is not reasonably avoidable   training would justify changes to rostered
       l  Officer rest days                 and necessitates a change of roster. In this   duties.
       l  Public holidays on which they may be   context, the word ‘pressing’ relates to the      An officer should be told as soon as the
          required to work                  expected situation at the time when the   requirement for the change is known and at the
       l  The time at which their scheduled daily   duty is to be performed rather than the   latest by midnight on the calendar day before
          period of duty begins and ends    time when the duty roster is changed, ie the   the changed period of duty commences.
       l  Free days for part-time members of staff  reasons for a change may be known many      Find the answers to more Frequently
       l  Intervals of at least 11 hours between   months in advance but still be pressing.  Asked Questions on our website
          the end of one shift and the beginning      Changes to rosters should only be made under the Advice
          of the next                       after full consideration of welfare,   and Regs tab.

       Specials set to be allowed to join the Federation

       A move to allow Special Constables to join the   and advice that their regular colleagues are   Federation’s remit in the Police Powers and
       Police Federation has been backed by West   afforded through the Federation.  Protections Bill expected this autumn,” he
       Midlands branch chair Jon Nott.         “This is a welcome move and we look   said.
          Jon applauded the work of Specials during   forward to welcoming them into the      “This inclusion will allow Specials to receive
       the coronavirus pandemic and said he is   Federation family,” he added.  the same representation as full-time police
       looking forward to the day they could be      Under current legislation, Special   officers and allows the vital work they do to be
       welcomed into the Federation.        Constables in England and Wales are not   officially recognised. I am delighted we will be
          He said: “The contribution that Special   allowed to be Federation members.  able to give Special Constables the protection
       Constables have been making alongside our      However, the Police Powers and   in the workplace that they so richly deserve.”
       members in the response to the coronavirus   Protections Bill, which is set to come before      Dave added: “Time and again during the
       crisis has been amazing. We couldn’t be more   MPs later this year, will seek to change that.  COVID-19 pandemic I have been impressed
       proud of their efforts.                 In a blog for the Federation, the national   and humbled by the way in which Special
          “During this pandemic, just like at other   Federation’s professional development lead,   Constables have stepped up and worked
       times, they have given up their free time to   Dave Bamber, said the change was not before   alongside their full-time colleagues to serve
       work alongside our members and face the   time.                          the public when they needed it the most.”
       same dangers as they support and protect our      “I’m delighted that, following discussions      Delegates at the 2014 Police Federation
       communities.                         with the Home Secretary and other   national conference voted in favour of Specials
          “It’s only right that they should have   Government officials to facilitate a change in   being allowed to join the organisation. But the
       access to the same representation, support   law, Specials will be included as part of the   Home Office ruled this out in 2016.                                       federation August/September 2020       25
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