Page 30 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
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TFS adapts                           Dates set for online exams

       to pandemic                          West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon   Step Two Legal Exam are Monday 9 and
                                            Nott has applauded moves to hold
                                                                                 Wednesday 11 November.
                                            sergeants’ and inspectors’ exams online
                                                                                    Mike Cunningham, chief executive at
                                            because of the pandemic.               the College of Policing, said: “We will be
       In line with businesses across the UK,      Jon was responding to an      working at pace in the coming months to
       our Member Services provider Thomson   announcement by the College of Policing   put all necessary steps in place to move to
       Financial Solutions Ltd (TFS) has adapted   which has confirmed the National Police   online delivery for exams.
       the way it does business to ensure it can   Promotion Framework (NPPF) Inspectors’      “Candidates will need to reserve all of
       continue to provide an effective service   and Sergeants’ Exams will take place in the   these dates in the event we’re able to hold
       for clients.                         autumn.                              the exams on one day. We will advise of this
          TFS, which is based in Tamworth,      The exams were postponed earlier this   as soon as we’re able to.
       was unable to hold its very successful   year due to the coronavirus lockdown. They      “In identifying a date for the
       will clinics for Federation members   are now set to be run online to reduce the   rescheduled sergeants’ exam, we’ve
       during the lockdown but has continued   risk to officers and invigilators.  considered the notice we need to provide
       its ‘free police wills’ offer remotely by      Jon said: “There is a lot of hard work put   to candidates for revision. We’ve also tried
       telephone, email and video calls.    in and a lot of sacrifices made by officers in   to identify a date that’s least likely to
           “This has proved just as popular,”   readiness for their exams, so to have that   impact on planned leave or those with
       says Bob Thomson, managing director of   opportunity taken away from them because   caring responsibilities.”
       TFS, “We are also happy to meet people   of the lockdown was tough.          He said that the new system could
       following Government guidelines.”       “The pandemic has thrown up       mean that candidates receive their exam
          The full range of services offered by   challenges right across policing, including   results earlier than usual.
       TFS are:                             the delivery of exams, so it’s really pleasing      “We will aim to have the results of the
       l  Last will and testament drafting  to see the College of Policing coming up   sergeants’ exam issued by the end of
       l  Property Protection Trusts        with an online solution.             November,” he explained.
       l  Lasting Powers of Attorney           “This will allow people to be able to sit      The NIE scheduled for 2020 will be held,
       l  Inheritance tax advice and planning  their exams and maintain everyone’s safety.   as planned, on 8 September and 24
       l  Pre-paid funeral plans            I’m sure it will be welcomed by the officers   November.
       l  DIY probate assistance and estate   involved.”                            The Direct Entry Superintendents’
          administration.                      Dates identified for the Inspectors’ NPPF   Examination will also be held, as planned,
           Visit or call   Step Two Legal Exam are Monday 12 and   on 17 November.
       01827 65107 for an immediate         Wednesday 14 October.                   Find out more at the College of Policing
                                               Dates identified for the Sergeants’ NPPF   website.

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