Page 27 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
P. 27

At the opening of Guardians House by William Hague MP (centre) are (left to right) Stephen Lee, chair of the Benevolent Fund and member of
       the Inspectors’ Branch Board, Joe Tildesley, Ernie Hanrahan and Gary Hyde, chair of the Credit Union. Gary was also a retired inspector and had
       been the general secretary of the Federation’s Inspectors’ Central Committee. Joe took over his national role from 1997 until 2000 when he
       returned as chair of West Midlands Police Federation.
       Lord Hague, the then leader of the   Federation in London. Fearless in his views,      During my time with Ernie, it was
       Conservative Party. He warmly thanked Ernie   his courage lay in the fact that, unlike the   wonderful to see that he found some
       personally for his outstanding contribution   rest of us, he felt no overpowering need to   happiness with his second wife, Chris, who
       to the whole of the project.        be loved. That takes backbone and bottle. He   worked in the Credit Union. There are few
          Throughout this period and, indeed for   was loaded with both.        mysteries as complex as other people’s
       the previous 10 years, the Federation had      Sadly, because it was the police service’s   marriages but should you require a textbook
       been fighting to be issued with body armour.   loss, Ernie was not successful in becoming   definition of devotion look no further than
       Indeed we were the only Metropolitan Police   the general secretary of the national   Mr and Mrs Hanrahan.
       Force that has not been issued with a piece   Federation. He lost out narrowly in a vote for       Sadly, Chris was taken too early and it
       of kit which today I am sure is taken for   the top job but for many years he was a   coincided with the beginning of Ernie’s final
       granted. Assaults on average were running   highly effective deputy general secretary. I   battle with the illness to which he finally
       at three a day and Ernie was adamant that   think modern policing would look very   succumbed. There is a sense of relief that his
       the situation could no longer be tolerated.  different today if Ernie had been able to put   suffering has come to an end but he had
          With that same single-minded     his own very individual stamp on the top   looked death in the face for many years and
       determination and energy, he set about   role.                           nobody could have been more valiant.
       convincing the Force, and indeed the wider      Yes, we argued on occasions; we had an      For those of us who are linked to the
       public, that attitudes must change and, after   armed truce never to discuss my   Police Federation, there is a genuine pang at
       a lengthy campaign, personal body armour   appearances on radio and TV but he was   Ernie’s passing because with him goes the
       was finally issued to every operational officer   magnificently honest and even-handed. I   strongest possible connection with so much
       at the end of 2000.                 wanted to throttle him some days but I   of our own histories. No surprise then that it
          Such was his success in the West   knew he was a man I wanted to have at my   hurts a bit because part of our own past has
       Midlands that Ernie was then elected to the   shoulder in the trench, when the foe was   died with him.
                                           closing in on us across no man’s land.
                                                                                   He will be mourned but much more than

       Joint Central Committee of the Police
     “                                                                          more life, vigour, courage, individuality and
                                                                                that he will be celebrated because he had
               With a cigarette in one hand and a mobile phone
                                                                                sheer natural talent than just about anyone
               in the other, Ernie was determined to make the
                                                                                I have ever met. If God is looking for
                                                                                someone to represent him at his right hand
               whole move a success. Kicking and screaming, he
               turned a vision into reality. Without him there
                                                                                Ernie Hanrahan.
                                                                                  side, then he has found the right man in
                                                                                   It was a life well led.
               would be no Guardians House.                                        Ernie joined the Force on 5 February
                                                                                1979 and retired in June 2009.                                     federation August/September 2020         27
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