Page 28 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
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West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund

       Benevolent Fund

       benefits resume

             s lockdown eases and we begin to   for members are also resuming. St
             see a steady return to normality,   Michael’s Lodge, the holistic treatment
       Awe’re pleased to announce that      centre in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire,
       many of the Benevolent Fund’s membership   closed its doors back in April in response to
       benefits have also resumed.          the COVID-19 outbreak.
          Our holiday homes in Weymouth and      We’re pleased to announce that the
       Dartmouth are now ready and safe for   lodge began operating a phased re-
       members to visit. The COVID Secure   opening from 27 July. Restrictions will
       Statement, which can be found on our   apply and we will be publishing their full
       website, outlines   COVID Secure Policy on our website shortly.       2020 has been challenging time for all
       everything we are doing to protect guests.  Members who had appointments cancelled   of us and we want to reassure members
          There are still weeks available for Court   will be notified by St Michael’s Lodge staff   that the Ben Fund is still here to offer help
       Cottage, near Dartmouth for October   to discuss options for re-booking. A further   and assistance where it is needed.
       through to April 2021. This quaint two-  email will be shared with all our members      If you are suffering financial hardship or
       bedroom residence is situated on the luxury   about the planned re-opening in due   distress please get in touch. You can apply
       Hillfield Village self-catering estate.   course.                         for help online via our website, or email
       Sleeping up to four people, it provides a      It was disappointing that we were or by calling us on
       wonderful base to explore South Devon.  unable to welcome members to our AGM   0121 752 4919.
          Weeks can also be booked at our second   back in July. We hope to announce a new      Thank you for your understanding,
       property, Peel’s Retreat, Weymouth from   date for later in the year. Instead Chairman,   patience and ongoing support this year.
       December 2020 to April 2021. For full   John Williams recorded a short video      Stay safe and keep well.
       details of availability visit our holiday home   message providing a brief update on our   West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund
       pages at Holidays for   charity’s benefits and events. If you missed   Team.
       May 2021 through to Spring 2022 will be   the video and would like view it you can
       available to book via our ballot in January   still watch it here:
          Convalescence and rehabilitation breaks   a-message-from-our-chairman/

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