Page 19 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
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Grandsons of pmb ultimate answer
pmb ultimate answer k625
LOT Station 18568 Reg. 18642629 Calved: 1/28/16
57 Perf Data PMB $ Values
PMB Ultimate Answer BW 83 Angus Individual
PMB UltiMate answer 333K A R WW 115 89.63 $TSWC 103.51
Silver Plume Lucy 1059 T YW 109 15.31 $FL -1.04
PMB Mr RFI-KCR O Fin Perf 102 32.65 $Grid 29.40
PMB Mr rFi elBa s017 SC 39 137.59 $ Total Profit 131.87
Silver Plume Elba 6946
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 13,187.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
5 2.4 59 24 103 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
Mr Profit Maker was Bull Number 200 through our program. He 60 75 25 45 25 EPD Percentile RADG 0.19 60
was the all-time record performing bull at PMB from his test in 1986 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 1.94
until he was surpassed by PMB Ultimate Answer in 2010.
pmb ultimate answer k650 pmb ultimate answer k630
LOT Station 18575 Reg. 18644659 Calved: 3/1/16 LOT Station 18564 Reg. 18645739 Calved: 2/9/16
55 Perf Data PMB $ Values 58 Perf Data PMB $ Values
PMB Ultimate Answer BW 75 Angus Individual PMB Ultimate Answer 1069 BW 72 Angus Individual
PMB UltiMate answer 330K R WW 93 89.63 $TSWC 90.74 hUtson UltiMate answer B1551 A R WW 96 89.63 $TSWC 95.91
PMB RFI Elba 1056 T YW 104 15.31 $FL 45.53 Hutson Upward Pride Y2 T YW 99 15.31 $FL 0.35
PMB Total Answer O Fin Perf 115 32.65 $Grid 29.40 Papa Equator 2928 # O Fin Perf 100 32.65 $Grid 29.40
silver PlUMe QUeen K334 SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 165.67 sPr envioUs BlaCKBirD 688r SC 37 137.59 $ Total Profit 125.66
Silver Plume Queen G039 R/M Envious Blackbird 3103
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 16,567.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 12,566.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
6 1.4 47 23 82 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 6 2.3 55 24 98 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
50 50 65 55 65 EPD Percentile RADG 0.24 30 50 75 35 45 35 EPD Percentile RADG 0.19 60
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 0.64 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 1.54
pmb ultimate answer k627 pmb ultimate answer k636
LOT Station 18562 Reg. 18645738 Calved: 2/7/16 LOT Station 18565 Reg. 18645740 Calved: 2/16/16
56 Perf Data PMB $ Values 59 Perf Data PMB $ Values
PMB Ultimate Answer 1069 BW 60 Angus Individual PMB Ultimate Answer 1069 BW 70 Angus Individual
hUtson UltiMate answer B1551 R WW 100 89.63 $TSWC 90.98 hUtson UltiMate answer B1551 A R WW 98 89.63 $TSWC 88.31
Hutson Upward Pride Y2 T YW 102 15.31 $FL -4.71 Hutson Upward Pride Y2 T YW 103 15.31 $FL 6.61
S A V 8180 Traveler 004 # O Fin Perf 101 32.65 $Grid 29.40 PMB In Focus 8031 O Fin Perf 104 32.65 $Grid 29.40
PMB 004 treasUre e426 # SC 44 137.59 $ Total Profit 115.67 PMB in FoCUs elBa s109 SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 124.32
Baldridge Treasure 243G Silver Plume Elba 6594
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 11,567.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 12,432.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
11 -1.0 53 26 92 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 9 0.6 53 26 95 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
15 10 40 30 45 EPD Percentile RADG 0.17 70 25 35 40 30 40 EPD Percentile RADG 0.19 60
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 0.18 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 1.15
Dave has been breeding Angus cattle since 1976. It soon became apparent that
some cows consistently produced better calves than most of their herd mates. Over
the years these became “donor cows” and their production was accelerated through
Embryo Transplant. Perhaps the best cow ever born at Silver Plume was Silver
Plume Blackcap Lady 505, whose sons are offered next.
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