Page 20 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 20

tribute to a Great cow

                              donor cow
         siLver pLume bLkcap Lady 505

                         Calved: 3/1/00 • Reg. 13728763

                                        V D A R New Trend 315 #
                   V D A R New Trend 933 #   Miss Wix 903 of Mc Cumber
         Beartooth iCe 82D #            Rito 2100 G D A R #
                   Adams Rito O Lass 8910  Vermilion O Lass 6180 #
                   Mr Profitmaker       Greenbrae Chairman #
         silver PlUMe BlKCaP laDy 91h   Classy Lass MG 9 80
                   T J Lady             Sayre Count 018E
                                        Ankony B127 Lass 49173

                  ced   bW    WW    yW  radG milk     sc   cW   marb    re    fat    $W     $f     $G      $b
              epd   -2   2.0   44   63    0.13  20   1.35   14   -0.05  0.43  -0.011  39.24  10.49  11.18  49.43
               %    95   60    55   85    85    75    10    90    95    40     20     60     85     95     95
          Silver Plume Blackcap lady 505. This cow is now 18-years-old. You can see her today in one of our herd bull runs. Her natural production
         record is 12 calves at 109 wean wt ratio and 11 calves at 105 yearling wt ratio. Based on her production record, she has become a donor for us.
         note that her EPDs are much lower than her proven production warrants. That is due to a fallacy in the EPD system where it takes 35 progeny
         to eliminate the pedigree EPDs and a cow doesn’t live long enough to produce and raise 35 calves.
          So, disregard her EPDs which do not reflect the fact that her calves consistently ratio’d above the herd average against the younger higher
         growth EPD cows. The proof is in the production.  By the way, cow longevity is a trait of significant economic value and is heritable! Her sire,
         Beartooth Ice 82D, sired calves for Rob Robinson at 12 years of age.
          These next 7 lots are ET sons of this cow raised by commercial recipient cows at Eustis, nE. If you want the best that we can offer – take a look!
                                                                                  pmbten x 652k
                                                                  LOT     Station 18555   Reg. +18642621   Calved: 1/19/16 • ET
                                                                  61                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values
                                                                     Mytty In Focus #    BW   72       Angus   Individual
                                                               a a r ten X 7008 s a #   R WW   100 ET  89.63   $TSWC   97.44
                                                                     A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #  T  YW   100 ET  15.31   $FL   14.49
                                                                                             100 ET
                                                                     Beartooth Ice 82D #  O Fin Perf 100 ET  32.65   $Grid   35.11
                                                               silver PlUMe BlKCaP laDy 505  SC  42    137.59  $ Total Profit  147.04
                                                                     Silver Plume Blkcap Lady 91H
                                                                                         P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  14,704.00
                                                                          EPDs             Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency
                                                                 CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)
                                                                  4   1.3  54   22   93   Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%
                                                                                          EPD Percentile
         A A R Ten X 7008 S A - The sire of the next 3 ET sons of Blackcap   70  1.4  40  65  45   Avg. Angus EPDs  RADG  0.21  45
          Lady 505. He’s also the sire of our Silver State Ten X 310 bull. A                           Test RFI   -1.08
           breed leader, “7008” has just under 20,000 progeny registered.
                            pmbten x 652J                                         pmbten x 652m
            LOT    Station 18552   Reg. +18642620   Calved: 1/17/16 • ET         LOT    Station 18545
                                                                                                         Calved: 1/22/16
           60                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values      62                    Reg. +18642622   PMB $ Values
                                                                                           Perf Data
               Mytty In Focus #    BW   78       Angus  Individual     Mytty In Focus #   BW   78       Angus  Individual
         a a r ten X 7008 s a #   R WW   100 ET  89.63   $TSWC   96.11  a a r ten X 7008 s a #  R WW   100 ET  89.63   $TSWC   102.57
               A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #  T  YW   100 ET  15.31   $FL   8.77     A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #  T  YW   100 ET  15.31   $FL   36.52
                                       100 ET
               Beartooth Ice 82D #  O Fin Perf 100 ET  32.65   $Grid   35.11     Beartooth Ice 82D #  I  ADG   100 ET  32.65   $Grid   35.11
         silver PlUMe BlKCaP laDy 505  SC  44    137.59  $ Total Profit  139.99  silver PlUMe BlKCaP laDy 505  O Fin Perf 100 ET    137.59  $ Total Profit  174.20
               Silver Plume Blkcap Lady 91H                           Silver Plume Blkcap Lady 91H
                                   P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  13,999.00             P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  17,420.00
                    EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency       EPDs            Carcass EPDs
          CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)                CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)     Feed Efficiency
           4   1.3  54   22    93  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%     4  1.3  54   22    93  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%
          70   50   40   65    45   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.19  60  70  50  40   65   45   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.26  20
           6   1.4  50   24    89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   -1.04  6  1.4  50  24  89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   -3.00
                                                               • #7 $TP in the sale
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