Page 15 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 15
sons of pmb ultimate answer
Reference sire
pmb uLtimate ansWer
Calved: 1/12/09 • Reg. 16430581 DDF-NHF
G D A R Traveler 71 #
Sitz Traveler 8180 # Sitz Everelda Entense 1137
s a v Final answer 0035 # Bon View Bando 598 #
S A V Emulous 8145
S A V Sky Emulous 2124
KCR Future DIrection PMB C A Future Direction 5321 #
PMB FD eriCa 7132 KCR Yukon Rose 158K
PMB Bando 755 Erica 7062 Bon View Bando 755
Miss Erica of FK 629
ced bW WW yW radG milk sc cW marb re fat $W $f $G $b
epd +10 -0.2 +67 +121 +0.33 +20 +1.19 +47 +0.32 +0.38 -0.008 +64.83 +94.32 +24.67 +140.79
% 20 20 10 10 3 75 25 20 70 60 25 15 5 70 20
PMB UlTIMATE AnSWER is the #1 All Time Record Performing bull at PMB from more than 18,500 Angus Bulls tested at PMB over the last 32
years! His high performing progeny have established his EPD profile as a heifer bull with Top 10% WW, Top 10% YW, and Top 3% RADG EPDs.
Progeny are consistently strong performing and are dominating our Feed Efficiency Tests. note the Profit Projections in the sons and
grandsons selling in this sale and use them to increase your profitability thru both steer sons and replacement daughters! That is exactly what
we are doing at PMB. His daughters are making terrific cows!
pmb $values: $tsWc $123.13 $fL $15.90 $Gp $24.67 $total profit $163.70
pmb ultimate answer 519k pmb ultimate answer 523k
LOT Station 18443 Reg. 18495916 Calved: 8/9/15 LOT Station 18470 Reg. 18495334 Calved: 8/11/15
28 Perf Data PMB $ Values 30 Perf Data PMB $ Values
S A V Final Answer 0035 # BW 75 Angus Individual S A V Final Answer 0035 # BW 76 Angus Individual
PMB UltiMate answer R WW 116 89.63 $TSWC 116.67 PMB UltiMate answer R WW 118 89.63 $TSWC 120.88
PMB FD Erica 7132 T YW 101 15.31 $FL -4.35 PMB FD Erica 7132 T YW 115 15.31 $FL -1.40
S S Objective T510 0T26 # O Fin Perf 93 32.65 $Grid 32.26 Silver Plume Equator 399G I O Fin Perf 113 32.65 $Grid 29.40
silver PlUMe treasUre P20Q SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 144.58 PMB eQUator CanDi 0148 SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 148.88
Baldridge Treasure P20 PMB Unique Candi 7423
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 14,458.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 14,888.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
8 0.4 67 24 113 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 3 2.4 68 24 122 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
35 30 10 45 15 EPD Percentile RADG 0.21 45 75 75 10 45 5 EPD Percentile RADG 0.28 15
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -0.62 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -0.93
pmb ultimate answer 540k pmb ultimate answer 506k
LOT Station 18464 Reg. 18495917 Calved: 8/15/15 LOT Station 18468 Reg. 18495330 Calved: 8/7/15
29 Perf Data PMB $ Values 31 Perf Data PMB $ Values
S A V Final Answer 0035 # BW 76 Angus Individual S A V Final Answer 0035 # BW 72 Angus Individual
PMB UltiMate answer R WW 116 89.63 $TSWC 113.88 PMB UltiMate answer R WW 99 89.63 $TSWC 113.57
PMB FD Erica 7132 T YW 102 15.31 $FL 24.81 PMB FD Erica 7132 T YW 110 15.31 $FL 18.49
Silver Plume Equator 399G O Fin Perf 95 32.65 $Grid 29.40 Silver Plume Equator 399G I O Fin Perf 115 32.65 $Grid 33.54
silver PlUMe aBBigail 9270 SC 48 137.59 $ Total Profit 168.09 PMB eQUator Miss Clova 9285 SC 41 137.59 $ Total Profit 165.60
Silver Plume Abbigail 6826 PMB Unique Miss Clova 7212
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 16,809.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 16,560.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
4 1.5 61 24 99 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 7 1.2 62 21 119 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
70 55 20 45 30 EPD Percentile RADG 0.26 20 45 45 15 70 10 EPD Percentile RADG 0.35 2
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -1.01 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -2.16
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