Page 11 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 11

sons of silver state ten x 310

                             Reference sire
                siLver state ten x 310
                         Calved: 2/2/13 • Reg. 17550495

                                        S A F Focus of E R #
                   Mytty In Focus #     Mytty Countess 906
         a a r ten X 7008 s a #         S A V Adaptor 2213
                   A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #
                                        H S A F Lady Kelton 504B
                   Leadore Mabey 8173   Glory B Bando 025D #
         silver state QUeen 564         Leadore Ann 664 #
                    Silver State Queen 221    S A F Focus of E R #
                                        Jolly R Queen 112E
                                                                Silver State Ten X 310 as a yearling after coming out of the cows.

                   ced   bW   WW    yW radG milk     sc    cW   marb   re     fat    $W     $f     $G     $b
              epd   +2   +2.2  +71  +132 +0.34  +25  +1.01  +73  +0.50  +1.04  -0.053  +60.48 +103.51 +40.10 +185.55
               %    80    70    5    3     2    40    35    1     45    1      1     20      3      25     1
          “310” was purchased by Dave Bittner from the 2014 Midland Bull Test in Columbus, MT. He was purchased to introduce an outcross sire into
         the Silver Plume and PMB herds who would continue the progress that has been made in improving feed efficiency. His dam is a pathfinder
         cow with 7@107 WW Ratio. “310” had a WW Ratio of 120. His Midland Test ADG Ratio was 126 and his YW Ratio was 118. His Test RFI was
         -5.63. His Midland Efficiency Rating was 131, the highest in the 2014 test. The Midland Bull Test is the largest in the USA with more than
         800 Angus being tested in the 2014 test. With 147 progeny now included in the AAA database, his WW EPD has increased from +63 to +71
         and his YW EPD has increased from +116 to +132. If you’re selling pounds – take a close look at the “310” sons!
         pmb $values:  $tsWc $120.12             $fL $-2.98        $Gp $40.10         $total profit $157.24

                           pmb ten x 542k                                         pmb ten x k605
            LOT    Station 18450   Reg. 18496364   Calved: 8/17/15         LOT    Station 18559   Reg. 18643594   Calved: 1/16/16
            1                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values       3                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values
               A A R Ten X 7008 S A #  BW  78       Angus  Individual     A A R Ten X 7008 S A #  BW  72       Angus  Individual
         silver state ten X 310   R WW   117  89.63   $TSWC   136.72  silver state ten X 310  R WW   123  89.63   $TSWC   125.22
               Silver State Queen 564 #  T  YW   115  15.31   $FL   -16.94     Silver State Queen 564 #  T YW   111  15.31   $FL   -30.99
               PMB Total Answer   O Fin Perf  114  32.65   $Grid   38.59     EF Authentic 0829  I O Fin Perf  113  32.65   $Grid   29.40
         PMB total elBa 1057 #     SC   42    137.59  $ Total Profit  158.37  PMB BK eriCa K413  SC  39    137.59  $ Total Profit  123.63
               PMB MIF Elba 9018                                      Silver Plume Erica S209
                                   P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  15,837.00             P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  12,363.00
                    EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency       EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency
          CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)                CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)
           4   2.3  78    26  137  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%     6  1.7  74   30   132  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%
          70   75    1    30   1   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.28  15    50  60  2   10   2   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.24  30
           6   1.4  50    24   89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   -0.09  6  1.4  50  24  89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   3.62
        • #1 $TSWC in the sale                                 • #9 $TSWC in the sale
                           pmb ten x 535k                                         pmb ten x 569k
            LOT    Station 18454   Reg. 18495335   Calved: 8/14/15         LOT    Station 18445   Reg. 18495345   Calved: 9/8/15
            2                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values       4                       Perf Data   PMB $ Values
               A A R Ten X 7008 S A #  BW  75       Angus  Individual     A A R Ten X 7008 S A #  BW  73       Angus  Individual
         silver state ten X 310   R WW   107  89.63   $TSWC   105.97  silver state ten X 310  R WW   106  89.63   $TSWC   104.74
               Silver State Queen 564 #  T  YW   106  15.31   $FL   11.90     Silver State Queen 564 #  T YW  101  15.31   $FL   12.56
               MCW Precision P189  O Fin Perf  106  32.65   $Grid   37.01     KCR Future DIrection PMB  I O Fin Perf  100  32.65   $Grid   29.40
         PMB P188 Miss Clova 7142  SC   42    137.59  $ Total Profit  154.88  silver PlUMe Diane 8153  SC  38    137.59  $ Total Profit  146.70
               PMB Unique Miss Clova 7212  P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  15,488.00     Silver Plume Diane 6855  P or V  P   13,759.00  Lifetime  14,670.00
                    EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency       EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency
          CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)                CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)
           0   2.9  59    23  114  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%     6  1.1  57   30   101  Individual EPDs   EPD  EPD%
          90   85   25    55   10   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.31  5    50  45  30   10   30   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.25  25
           6   1.4  50    24   89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   0.00  6  1.4  50  24   89  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   -1.90
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