Page 9 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 9

Using the information to make
                                    your genetic selection

                           PMB recommends this approach

           First, remember that the genetics of your cow herd are fixed and are not impacted by your mating decisions.
        The genetic impact of your decisions will be reflected in your calf crops.
        seLect tHe Genetics WHicH support your business pLan
           The $Indexes summarize the interaction of many of the often conflicting genetic traits. They are based on EPDs
        provided by the American Angus Association – give them a good look to see how the profitability of your business
        plan may be impacted by alternative sire selections.
           The individual EPDs are ranked by the American Angus Association as to where that individual ranks within the
        entire Angus population. If the rank for a trait shows an EPD Percentile of 10, it means that animal is in the highest
        10% of the breed for that trait. Conversely, it means that 90% of the entire Angus Breed ranks lower.
           For your convenience, all EPDs with a ranking within the HiGHest 30% of the breed HAVe tHAt % Noted
        witH Bold tYPe (“A” below). (Formerly, some of this information was noted in our footnotes. But, we believe
        that since the American Angus Association now provides and publishes this ranking, this data is useful to you and
        hence simplifies your decision making. You no longer need to read both the data and the footnotes.)

           The performance data is expressed as a ratio within that animal’s contemporary group. Again, this provides
        a quick analysis which eliminates wondering if an adjusted weaning weight of X is good, poor, or average. In
        addition, it is a higher level of decision support information. For your convenience, PeRFoRMANce RAtios oF
        105 oR HiGHeR are also Noted witH Bold tYPe (“B” below).
           Where ncG (No contemporary Group) is shown as a Ratio, it means that a viable ratio is not available because
        the individual was not part of a group large enough to provide meaningful comparison.
        feed efficiency
           PMB is the only Angus bull supplier in Nebraska who actually tests the bulls for individual feed consumption. The
        RFI Value shown in the data block is that animal’s Feed Intake Test Result. Negative RFI Test Results, (Efficient),
        are also depicted with the PMB Negative RFI Logo. The RADG EPD shows the Angus Breed EPD Percentile. Take
        a good look at the RADG EPD. It is a combination of growth and Feed Efficiency. It indicates the added weight
        gain that can be expected from an equal amount of feed consumed. For example if Bull A had an RADG EPD of
        .15, and Bull B had an RADG EPD of .35, Then Bull B would be expected to sire progeny that would gain 0.20 lbs.
        more per day on the same amount of feed. Over a 170 day feeding period, that means 34 lbs. more weight to sell
        for $0.00 feed cost!
        buLLs desiGnated as Heifer buLL candidates
           Hbc (“c” below) in the footnotes are bulls that Meet 3 PReReQuisites:  1. Their actual Birth Weight must
        be 75 lbs. or less, 2. Their CED EPD must be 6 or higher, and 3. Their BW EPD must be less than +1.3. Bulls
        designated as HBc HAVe Met All 3 PReReQuisites.
                                                    neW block example ‘17
                                         LOT     Station 17867   Reg. 17829158   Calved: 9/28/13
                                          1                      Perf Data   PMB $ Values
                                            S A V Final Answer 0035 #  BW  70       Angus  Individual
                                      PMB UltiMate answer   (B)  R WW  92  70.53   $TSWC   95.75
                                            PMB FD Erica 7132   T  YW  95  13.48   $FL   17.04
                                            KCR Future DIrection PMB  O Fin Perf  103  31.86   $Grid   28.67
                                      silver PlUMe Karin 6846   SC   42    115.87  $ Total Profit  141.46
                                            Silver Plume Karin 6583
                                                                P or V  P   11,587.00  Lifetime  14,146.00
                                                 EPDs            Carcass EPDs     Feed Efficiency
                                        CED   BW   WW   Milk   YW   (See $Grid)
                                        11  -0.6  56   24   106  Individual EPDs  EPD  EPD%
                                  (A)    15   15   25  45   15   EPD Percentile  RADG  0.32  1
                                        6   1.2   48   24   85  Avg. Angus EPDs  Test RFI   -1.54
                                  (C)  • HBC     • #4 $TSWC in the 2s
                                                            - 7 -
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14