Page 8 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 8
the Hierarchy of decision
support information
tHe pmb
Compares the
interaction of
traits to support
bull customer business
plans from a Profit
contribution standpoint.
the PMB $indexes include the
impact of Feed intake and include the
costs for yardage and interest based on
the projected number of days to reach
harvest weight. Since the decisions being made
today project the future profits from mating alternatives,
the income and expenses are based on recent cash
markets and futures projections. Feeder Calf Value in the
PMB $Values is $151/CWT. And Fed Cattle Value is $121/CWT.
(The PMB $Indexes contain additional cost items.)
ePds – the Next level of decision support information
EPDs enable trait comparisons to be made across herds and across
breeds. This data can be used only to compare animals for their
probable genetic value for the trait being compared. They do not enable
Selection Decisions to be made which optimize the often antagonistic
relationship between the many traits being measured.
Phenotypic data - the Beginning level of decision support information
This includes Within Herd Contemporary Group Ratios for Various Traits like Birth
Weight, Adjusted Weaning Weight and Adjusted Yearling Weight etc. This data is only valid
to compare individuals within the same contemporary group within the same herd.
The calculation of the PMB there is no viable way of using the EPDs
$Indexes caused us to think about individual adjusted weights for Remember that these Contemporary
how we might make other data that comparing the Genetic Desirability Group Ratios have been included
is presented in our sales books more between the bulls. along with other relevant data in
useful to our customers. the calculation of the WW and YW
We concluded that the resulting
Adjusted Weaning and Yearling Weaning and Yearling Weight EPDs. These EPDs are comparable
Weights Contemporary Group Ratios across groups, across seasons, and
across herds. They are a higher level
Since these weights originate from would make that data more useful. of Decision Support Information
several herds with differing seasons, Hence, you will find WW and YW than the Ratios.
environments and feed resources, Contemporary Group Ratios rather
than the adjusted weights.
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