Page 4 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
P. 4
sale order
Bulls will sell in catalog order, i.e., Lot 1, then Lot 2, then Lot 3, etc. Bulls have been catalogued by sire within age groups. This
has been done to make it easier to locate the bull that is currently selling in the catalog and to speed up the selling process.
As a result, the sale order does not reflect an opinion of the relative quality of the bull. You will find top bulls throughout the
sale from start to finish.
The American Angus Association has added the breed percentile ranking for all EPDs. This percentile ranking is shown
directly underneath the corresponding EPD. Where the individual trait EPD ranks within the top 30% of the breed, we call
this to your attention with larger, bold and italicized print. This information was previously called to your attention in the
footnotes which will now be substantially reduced.
EPDs are current as of 1/28/2018.
program bulls
The Performance Data Information Block indicates whether the bull is a Virgin Bull, designated V, or a Program Bull,
designated P. Program Bulls are bulls that have previously seen service. They have had a complete Breeding Soundness
Examination and have been Fertility Tested. In addition, they have all been negatively tested for Trich utilizing the new PCR
Test. (This is the most accurate test and has become the test specified by most states.)
The Program Bulls provide several advantages to you:
• Quality: These were some of the top yearling bulls from our program last year, bulls which have never been available
to you as 2 year old bulls as they have always been sold. They will be the strongest set of 2 year old bulls that we have
ever been able to offer.
• Breeding experience: Program Bulls will go right to work as they know their trade. You won’t have to worry about
whether or not they will eventually figure out what they are supposed to be doing.
• injury: Our records indicate that a higher percentage of breeding injuries occur during the first breeding season.
Program Bulls have survived their first breeding season; you can expect a lower than normal incidence of injury.
profit maker bulls
first breeding season Guarantee for purchased bulls
iN AdditioN to “The Standard Terms and Conditions Recommended by the American Angus Association,” PMB provides a
FiRst YeAR BReediNG seAsoN GuARANtee* to its customers. With this guarantee, we guarantee bulls AGAiNst BReediNG
iNJuRY to complete the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90 dAY PeRiod immediately following
This guarantee does not cover mortality.
If you have a breeding injury, you can eitHeR receive a RePlAceMeNt bull of eQuAl QuAlitY or a Full PuRcHAse
PRice cRedit to be used in a future PMB sale. The choice is yours.
Salvage value will belong to PMB. Bulls injured after the first 30 days of the breeding season will incur a $300 “breeding use
All problems must be reported to PMB by October 1st of the breeding season.
This is ouR wAY to PRotect the iNVestMeNt that you have made in your purchase of high quality Profit Maker Bulls.
*the first year breeding season Guarantee applies to all bulls selling for $3,000 or more.
the Profit Maker Bulls First Year Breeding season Guarantee
adds about 7% to the value of your purchase.
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