Page 5 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
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buy them or Lease them – you decide
Every Bull in this Sale Sells under our Exclusive
Profit Maker Bulls Buy Them or Lease Them – You Decide Option.
In this sale, we will auction the leases on all of the bulls in the sale.
If you prefer to buy your bulls, or if you do not meet the prerequisites for leasing, you convert the
winning lease bid to the winning purchase price and buy the bull in the usual way.
Prerequisites for Leasing:
If You Want PMB to Deliver and Pick Up:
1. Must lease 5 or more bulls and the destination ranch must be within 500 miles of Ogallala.
2. Lessee must pay for delivery when the bulls arrive.
3. Lessee must pay for the return when the bulls are picked up.
4. Exceptions may be made to the 5 bull minimum where neighbors joint requirements are 5 or more.
If You Pick Up and Return the Bulls:
1. There is no minimum number of bulls that you can lease.
2. Must be within 500 miles of Ogallala.
exceptions may be made where circumstances warrant. Please talk to PMB in advance of the sale.
Converting the Lease Price to a Purchase Price:
You multiply the winning lease bid by three to obtain the purchase price.
Why Lease your bulls?
Consider the Opportunities:
• Reduce Cash Outflow
• Lease or Purchase the Same High Quality Bulls that You are Currently Buying
• Reduce Breeding Service Costs
• Eliminate Wintering of Bulls
• Eliminate Fertility Problems with Your Bulls
• Run More Cows on Existing Feed Resources
• Have More Options for Breed and Trait Emphasis Decisions
Here’s how the program will work:
1. The auctioneer will sell the lease right rather than the bull.
2. The lease right entitles lease customers to the use of the bull for a 90-day breeding season.
3. The breeding season is determined by the customer.
4. Bulls can either be picked up at PMB and returned by the customer or delivery and pick up by PMB can be arranged.
5. If you prefer to buy your bulls, or if you do not meet the prerequisites for the lease program, your winning lease bid is
converted into your winning purchase bid by multipying the winning lease bid by 3.
Our Mission Statement is:
To Help Cattlemen Achieve Their Full Economic Potential
We know of no better way to support our mission than to
help our customers reduce their cowherd breeding costs.
the Profit Maker Bulls Professional cattleman’s Bull
leasing Program will save you real $$.
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