Page 3 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
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inspection of bulls
                                                                Bulls are available for inspection at the Profit Maker
                                                                Bulls Genetic Evaluation Center at any time prior to
         profit maker buLL saLe                                 or during the sale.
                                                                sight unseen purchase Guarantee
                   (308) 284-8280                               Buyers unable to attend the sale may call or send their

                                                                bids  to Profit Maker  Bulls,  the auctioneer or  to  any
        saturday, february 24, 2018 -  10:30 a.m. mst
                                                                of the listed representatives. We guarantee complete
        sale Location                                           satisfaction of bulls purchased in this manner.
        Profit Maker Bulls Genetic Evaluation Center            Herd Health
        13 miles east of Ogallala or 6 miles west of Paxton     All bulls have been dewormed and deloused. All bulls
        on US Hwy. 30                                           are eligible for interstate shipment upon completion
                                                                of the various tests required by destination states.
        the profit maker people
        Dave Bittner - General Manager                          fertility
           office (308) 284-8280 • home (308) 284-6893          All two-year-old and fall yearling bulls passed a fertility
           cell (308) 280-2225                                  evaluation and were scrotal measured by veterinarians
        Rob Robinson - Cow Herd and Test Manager                from The Animal Clinic of Ogallala. Spring yearling
           cell (308) 289-2210                                  bulls will be tested prior to delivery or pickup.
        Dennis Schultz - Operations Manager                     announcements
           cell (308) 289-0564                                  All announcements from the auction block take
        Shane Donason - Grow Safe Feed Intake Test Manager      precedence over the printed information.
           cell (308) 289-4498
        auctioneers                                             Wintering bulls
                                                                Arrangements can be made to winter bulls at the PMB
        Kyle Schow & Kevin Schow
                                                                Development Center. Please see Dave for details.
        representatives                                         delivery of purchased bulls
        Angus Journal.............................................Drew Feller  We will provide FREE DELIVERY on all bulls within 200
        Western Livestock Journal ...............................Jim Gies  miles. For buyers beyond 200 miles, we will get the bulls
        Special Assignment ....................................Jerry Wrage  to you in the most economical way possible. Then we will
        Special Assignment .......................Lander Nicodemus  reimburse you $50 for each bull purchased to help offset
        Special Assignment .............................Jay Nordhausen  your delivery expense. PICK UP your bulls sale day and
        Special Assignment .................................Rod Swafford  receive a $50 per bull deduction.
        accommodations                                          terms and conditions

        Holiday Inn Express - Ogallala - (308) 284-6080         All bulls sell in accordance with the terms and
        Lonesome Dove Lodge (Formerly Holiday Inn               conditions recommended by the American Angus
        Express) - Ogallala - (308) 284-2266                    Association as of  12/3/12 with the following exception:
        Best Western Stagecoach Inn - (308) 284-3656            registrations  will be given to  buyers, but  will  be
                                                                transferred only if the buyer so requests.
        test ration and performance                             All bulls selling for $3,000 or more are sold with the
           The combination of our feed efficiency testing and  FREE PMB First Year Breeding Season Guarantee.
        rising feed costs led us to change our test ration to a  The details are explained on page 2.
        higher forage - lower energy ration. This reduced both   volume discount for purchased bulls
        the rate of gain and the yearling weights from those    • 5 - 9 Bulls 5%                • 10 or more Bulls 10%
        that we have become accustomed to. We have found        The Volume Discount will be applied to purchased
        that the lower energy ration has made the transition to   bulls selling for $3,000 or more.
        pasture more transparent. As always, base your selection
        decisions on the EPDs, $Indexes and performance         buy them or Lease them - you decide
        ratios, which describe the differences between the bulls.     The winning lease bid can be converted to a purchase
                                                                price by multiplying by three (3). See page 3 for details.
        sale order - Bulls will sell in catalog order
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