Page 13 - End of Term 1 Newsletter
P. 13
Term 1 has been fun and engaging for year 2. Apart from our
day to day class-zoom activities, we also enjoyed different tasks
from our assembly on water safety measures to our unit
celebrations, we were able to sharpen our collaboration skills to make
it happen!! Literacy;
Students have been reading aloud books
closely matched to their improving phonic
knowledge, sounding out unfamiliar words
Numeracy: accurately, automatically and without undue
This term year 2 students have hesitation. We have become increasingly
explored how to add and subtract one familiar with and retelling a wider range of
and two digit numbers using concrete stories, fairy stories and traditional tales.
objects, pictorial representations, and We have been making inferences on the
mental calculations. We learnt how to basis of what is being said and done. Year
give change from 20p. We also 2 students have also been learning new
compared and sorted common 2-D and ways of spelling phonemes for which one
3-D shapes. Fractions was also part of or more spellings are already known, and
our learning as we recognised, named learn some words with each spelling,
and wrote different fractions in regard including a few common homophones
to length, shape, set of objects or
quantity. Students are now able to
recognise and use the inverse
relationship between addition and
subtraction and use this to check
calculations and solve missing number