Page 11 - End of Term 1 Newsletter
P. 11

                                    Y        E        A      R            1
                                    YEAR 1

       The end of term has come around quickly and we have had a fantastic one!
           It has been exciting to see how the Year 1's have grown into confident

    communicators and active learners. We are so proud of you! Always remember
          that it's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were


         In Literacy, the Year 1’s learned to                                 In Maths, the Year 1's

         perfect their application of phonic                                  explored the concept of
         knowledge and skills as the route                                    number and place value,
         to decode words. We learned how                                      learning how to count

         to form lower and upper-case                                         forwards and backwards,
         letters in the correct direction,                                    count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s,

         starting and finishing in the right                                  and using the language
         place. We learned when to use a                                      equal to, more than and

         capital letter and spell the days                                    less than. We also
         of the week. We also learned how                                     learned how to

         to use the apostrophe for                                            identify odd and even
         shortening words.                                                    numbers and add and

                                                                              subtract one- and two-
                                                                              digit numbers. Towards

                                                                              the end of the term, we
                                                                              learned how to recognise

                                                                              a half as one of two

                                                                              equal parts of an object,
                                                                              shape or quantity.

                     We dressed up in our

                 favourite costumes and led
                the assembly over Halloween
                 where we talked about how
                   Halloween is celebrated
                       around the world.
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