Page 6 - End of Term 1 Newsletter
P. 6
We would also like to thank all parents and
carers for their support this term. A great
deal of what we did could not be achieved
without you and your co-operation and
backing. Many thanks and we look forward
to working more closely with you from
The children enjoyed the cookery activities; January.
discussing animal habitats and the science Finally, we would like to wish all the families
experiments; learning more about their happy holidays and a blessed new year.
bodies and their friends; feeling comfortable
to share and now enjoying some fun Santa
Claus activities! While participating in all of It has been such a pleasure to sing and dance the
term away with the Fireflies in our music classes.
these activities the children gained valuable We explored music through the themes and it
experiences in socialising; expressing their was wonderful to see the children share their
ideas and develop a list of favorite songs. I look
views; challenging their minds; forward to seeing you all next term. Happy
strengthening their fine motor development; holidays and see you soon!
gaining confidence with their large muscle
movements; pre-literacy and numeracy
skills. We have seen such progress in such
a short amount of time. They will continue to
thrive as we move towards more challenging
and extended experiences to meet their ever
changing developmental needs.