Page 9 - End of Term 1 Newsletter
P. 9

Shining Stars
                                         A L L   A B O U T   T H E

                                                                The children have boldly led their
           ‘ A   r o o m   d o e s   n o t   m a k e   a
                                                                   learning and displayed their
       c l a s s r o o m ;   s t u d e n t s ,   t e a c h e r s ,
                                                              knowledge and understanding of the
      p a r e n t s   a n d   a   l o v e   o f   l e a r n i n g
                                                              concepts taught. They have shown an
      a r e   w h a t   m a k e   a   c l a s s r o o m ’   -
                                                               impressive sense of growth in their
       A u t h o r   U n k n o w n   a n d   t h a t   i s
                                                                  communication skills. They are
     w h a t   w e   c o u l d   c o n f i d e n t l y   a n d
                                                               confident in expressing their ideas
    p r o u d l y   s a y   a b o u t   o u r   D L P   t h i s
                     t e r m .
                                                              and appreciate each other's opinions.

      As we learnt about Diwali, the children were exposed to international mindedness
       as we indulged in discussions about the Indian culture during this festival. Some
      of the children shared their cultural way on how they celebrate this festival while
      the other children demonstrated open mindedness and respect towards what was
          being shared. It has been great fun having both, Stars A and H, for the live
      sessions. We were excited to see the children fully engaged in activities designed
                      on Toddle, as they developed their technological skills.

                                                                                    In Literacy, we have
                                                                                    covered 11 digraphs,
                                                                                       red, yellow and
                                                                                     some green tricky
                                                                                        words, simple
      In Math, we have explored the 100
           square chart, addition and
       subtraction using a number line,
      measurement, recording data onto
                                                                       We have been encouraging
      bar graphs, 3D shapes, days of the
                                                                   independent reading and writing
         week and months of the year.
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