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Moving Forward

           by Looking Back

          Pittsburgh, PA. GCU GoGive
          enabled this member to
          reach deep into his lifelong
          experiences and relationships
          with success that can be seen
          in over one thousand exhibits. It
          involves the Byzantine Catholic
          Seminary Library in Pittsburgh
          and its large collection of
          previously unidentified
          photographs. These pictures
          date back to the opening of the
          Seminary in 1950, and a few of
          them even predate the Seminary.
            Through his family this GCU   Some GCU members may recognize this photo—they may actually be in it. It dates back to Sep-
          member had accumulated a        tember 1954 at an Altar Servers Congress held at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary. This photo is
          large number Byzantine Catholic   one of over a thousand in the Seminary’s collection being identified with support from the GCU
          Church related photographs. He   GoGive program. In the back row (from left) are seminarians who later served as priests in parishes.
          asked Seminary Library Director,   Gregory Rommack-8, Ronald Borsuk-9, Judson Procyk-11, Father John Bilock-15, John Loya-17,
          Professor Sandee Collins if the   Robert Karl-21 and John Borodach-23. All were ordained and served their entire ministry. Fr. Bilock
          Library would be interested     became Monsignor Bilock, then Bishop Bilock. Fr. Procyk became Monsignor Procyk, then Metro-
          in his family’s collection. The   politan Archbishop Procyk.
          Professor responded with a
          resounding YES.                    information on every picture. He   willing to continue this project and
            Rather than just dropping a boot-  was able to identify over 90% of   identify the Library’s collection of
          sized box of unidentified photos   the photos. When he presented his   over 1,000 photos.
          on her desk, the member created    findings to Prof. Collins, she thanked   He accepted her challenge and
          a spreadsheet with ten columns for   him and then asked if he would be   was then successful in obtaining a
                                                                                repurposed laptop computer which
                                                                                was donated to the cause. GCU’s
                                                                                GoGive enabled him to purchase the
                                                                                necessary software and other supplies
                                                                                that enable him to work remotely on
                 Homeless Veterans Assistance                                   the project, either at the Seminary
                                                                                Library or with knowledgeable
          Wilmington, NC. The Sgt. Eugene Ashley Memorial Center                individuals who can assist him in the
          provides short-term transitional housing for homeless veterans        identification process.
          as well as permanent supportive housing for qualified applicants.       The photos cover the entire
          “Bridge” housing is a short-term solution for those veterans who      lifespan of the Seminary, 1950
          have been offered and accepted a permanent housing solution,          through the present, and ultimately
          but are still working on access to that housing. The Knights of       all photos and their descriptions will
          Columbus Assembly #2017 in Wilmington supports the efforts            be made available via the Seminary’s
          of the Ashley Center with “Shoeboxes for Soldiers,” providing         website for students, researchers
          various toiletries for residents. Thanks to the GoGive! grant from    and all interested persons. Future
          the GCU, the Knights were also able to provide liquid detergent,      research is now enriched by the work
          dryer sheets, laundry baskets & bags and coffee to assist residents   completed on photographs from the
          in their daily needs. The Knights of Columbus Assembly #2017          past—a project significantly enhanced
          and members of the Ashley Center greatly appreciate the GCU           by GCU’s GoGive program.
          awarding this grant.

          John Danchisko

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