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George Kofel
Chairman of the Board
Celebrating Founders’ Day
A s I sat down to write this article, I knew the Directors promise to continue to work together to navigate
As we begin 2025, our Executive Team and Board of
significance the month of February had for
the GCU—Founders’ Day, GCU’s birthday.
through both the financial and the fraternal challenges
I did some research seeking what other
that confront us throughout the year. We recently received
observances fill our February calendars.
at A- with a Stable Outlook. We continue to discuss new
February is the second month of the year in both news that KBRA reaffirmed GCU’s financial strength rating
the Julian and Gregorian calendars, and its name was sales strategies along with creating fresh ideas which will
derived from the Latin Februa. February is associated continue to support our Fraternal Metamorphosis. GCU’s
with Ground Hog Day and Valentine’s Day. Other days of success will not be measured by the past 133 years of what
significance include Presidents’ Day, National Umbrella has been accomplished—it will be measured on how we
Day, World Radio Day, National Wear Red Day and are addressing the future by our actions today. I assure you
Super Bowl Sunday. February is also noted for American that the current team of Executive Officers, GCU Staff and
Heart Month, Black History Month and Great American the Board of Directors will continue to make decisions that
Pie Month. Not to go unmentioned are National Dark are in the best interest of our members and of the GCU.
Chocolate Day, Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, National In closing, February is quite a busy month for only
Tater Tot Day, National Carrot Cake Day (my Kryptonite), having 28 days, no leap year this year. As we participate
National Pizza Day, National Cream Filled Chocolate in one or all of what the month offers, let us remember
Day (same day as Valentine’s Day) and then 7 days later the importance of Family, Faith, Fellowship and
National Sticky Bun Day. The list continues—check it Community as we celebrate GCU Founders’ Day.
out for yourselves. The second month of the year is a On behalf of the Board of Directors, Executive Officers,
National Food Fest and also gives you the warm feeling and GCU Staff, HAPPY GCU FOUNDERS’ DAY 2025!
that Spring is around the corner.
Of all the dates and celebrations listed above, the one
each of us should hold close to our hearts is the date of Annual Educational Grant
February 14. Not only because it is Valentine’s Day, but
to remember that on this day 133 years ago, February 14,
1892 in Wilkes-Barre, PA, the GCU was founded. Members
of 14 independent lodges associated with Greek Catholic
Churches from Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut,
Illinois and New Jersey decided to create a stronger bond
between the Rusyn people and established an organization
called The Greek Catholic Union.
Records show that the GCU of 1892 began with 743
members and $600. in assets. Through the efforts of
both the past and current administrations, a dedicated
and hardworking staff of employees, along with the
countless hours of volunteerism and fundraising by an
unselfish membership throughout the years, the goals On Sunday, December 8, 2024 GCU President/CEO George N. Juba
presented Metropolitan William Skurla, Archbishop of the Archeparchy
of those 743 founding members of “Protecting Families, of Pittsburgh with the GCU’s educational grant of $100,000. The annual
Promoting Faith and Fellowship and Strengthening grant is for the SS. Cyril & Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary. The
Communities” are still in the forefront and have become presentation took place at the Saint Nicholas Charity Celebration held
the Mission Statement of the GCU today. I am sure they at St. John Cathedral Center. With this year’s presentation GCU dona-
would be extremely proud of our growth to 50,000 plus tions, which began in 1961, now total over $3.9 million.
members and over $2.7 billion in assets. Photo by Mitch Valvano