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                                    Rev. Artur Olexandrovych Bubnevych
                                    Appointed Bishop of Eparchy of Phoenix

                                    The following Proclamation   About Bishop Elect Artur Olexandrovych Bubnevych
                                    was issued by Most Rev.    Bishop Elect Artur was born on June 22, 1975, in the vil-
                                    Kurt Richard Burnette, PhD,   lage of Perechyn, in the Transcarpathian Oblast of Soviet
                                    JD, JCL Apostolic Adminis-  Ukraine, in what was then the Union of Soviet Socialist Re-
                                    trator of Phoenix & Bishop   publics. This region is the site of the Eparchy of Mukache-
                                    of Passaic:                vo, the oldest Byzantine-Ruthenian Catholic eparchy. Due
                                      To all the good people   to the oppression of our Church under communist rule, he
                                    of the Eparchy of the Holy   was secretly baptized at home by the Byzantine Catholic
                                    Protection of Mary in Phoe-  priest Andrey Gleba on July 7, 1975. He speaks his native
                                    nix, and to all Christians, to-  Ruthenian language as well as English, German, Latvian,
           Rev. Artur Olexandrovych   day, the eighth day of No-  Russian, and Ukrainian.
           Bubnevych.               vember in the year of Our    In June 1994, he graduated from the Vinogradov Poly-
                                    Lord 2024 on the Feast of   technical  College, and then entered  the Seminary  of
          St. Michael and all the Holy Incorporeal Powers, Our Holy   Blessed Theodore Romzha in August of that year. The Ep-
          Father Pope Francis, in the eleventh year of his pontifi-  archy sent him to Austria where he learned English at the
          cate, has chosen Artur Olexandrovych Bubnevych as the   Language Catechetical Institute in 1995, and in 1996 he
          Sixth Bishop of the Eparchy of the Holy Protection of Mary   entered the International Theological Institute for studies
          in Phoenix. (Bishop-Elect Artur was Consecrated to the   on Marriage and Family for the Master of Theology. He
          Order of the Episcopacy on Tuesday, January 28, 2025   graduated from the Seminary in 1998 and in December
          at the Church of the Annunciation in Anaheim, CA, the   he was ordained to the order of Subdiaconate by Bishop
          consecrators were Metropolitan William Skurla and Bish-  Ioann Semediy. He had entered the  Licentiate program
          op Kurt Burnette & Bishop Robert Pipta.)             at the same institute and graduated from there with his
            Bishop Elect Artur learned of his new office on the Feast   License in Theology in 2001. He then worked for the Dio-
          Day of our Martyred Bishop Theodore Romzha, and he   cese of Liepaja in Latvia until 2005.
          has chosen for his episcopal motto the motto of Theodore   Bishop Elect Artur worked for the Eparchy of Mukache-
          Romzha, “I will love you, 0 Lord, my strength. The Lord is   vo, serving as the Project Secretary with Bishop Milan
          my rock and my refuge.” Psalm 18:1-2                 Šašik, CM, 2006-2013. In addition, to his work at the chan-
            Bishop Elect Artur has labored in the Vineyard of the   cery of the Eparchy of Mukachevo, he served as a teacher
          Lord diligently since his ordination to the subdiaconate   of English at the Seminary, and in 2006-2011 he served
          in 1999, and he was pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help   as the main cantor at his home parish of Saint Nicholas in
          Byzantine Catholic Church in Albuquerque, NM since De-  Perechyn.
          cember 1, 2014. As our nation continues its slow march to   In 2013, he made the decision to apply to come to Amer-
          the culture of death, Vladyka Artur is a shining knight in   ica as a missionary for the Byzantine Catholic Church, and
          the battle to choose life.                           worked in the Eparchy of Phoenix from September 2013 to
            As a priest of the Eparchy myself, I am overjoyed by   March 2014 as a subdeacon and parish office assistant at St.
          the choice of the Holy Father, and I join the people of the   Stephen Cathedral in Phoenix. In 2014 Bishop Gerald Dino
          Eparchy in promising prayers and every possible support   ordained Bishop Elect Artur on March 9 to the Order of Di-
          to the new Shepherd.                                 aconate and on September 14 to the Order of Priesthood.
            “Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to   Both ordinations were celebrated at St. Stephen Cathedral.
          you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate   Bishop Gerald assigned him as the Pastor of Our Lady of Per-
          their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today   petual Help in Albuquerque, starting on January 9, 2015.
          and forever.... Obey those who rule over you, and be sub-  In addition  to his  pastoral  work, the  bishop  elect has
          missive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who   served on these commissions: Intereparchial Commission
          must give an account. Let them do so with joy and not   of Youth and Young Adults (May 2018); Vocation’s Board
          with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.   (January 2023); Eparchial Pension Committee (May 2023)
            “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Je-  and  the  Intereparchial  Commission  on Sacred  Liturgy
          sus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through   (Sept 2023).
          the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in   Besides his priestly ministry, Bishop Elect Artur enjoys
          every good work to do His will, working in you what is well   the sports of downhill skiing and mountain biking along
          pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory   with camping.
          forever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:7-8, 17, 20-21                                  CONTINUED on page 7

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