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          Carpathian Cookery                                             GCU Culinary Chronicle Cookbook
          Cookbook                                                       The GCU Culinary Chronicle Cookbook was
          Having sold over 20,500 copies,                                first published in 1985 as a fund raising tool
          the cookbook has entered                                       for the proposed construction of a wooden
          its 22  printing and was                                       church on the GCU property in Beaver, PA.
          requested by the Library of                                    The dream was realized with the completion
          Congress to be in their ethnic                                              of the GCU St. Nicholas Chap-
          cooking collection. The 330-page                                            el in 1992. The cookbook,
          cookbook has a new look and features a protective                           over 270 pages of favorite
          plastic cover. The book includes sections on Christmas                       family and ethnic recipes, has
          and Easter customs and recipes, traditional Rusyn and                        continued to be very popu-
          Slavic foods, other ethnic dishes, and many other tried-                      lar. The proceeds from sales
          and-true recipes of St. John’s parishioners. There is a                       now benefit the GCU Foun-
          variety of paska bread and kolachi (filled roll) recipes, as                   dation with $1 from each
          well as meatless dishes and Lenten recipes, suitable for                       book sold going directly
          the Great Fast, as well as the Pre-Christmas Fast. The                          to the GCU Cause of the
          cost of the cookbook is $14.  plus $6.  postage and                             Quarter. The cookbook
          handling ($20. ). If ordering from Canada, please send                   is available in its original printed
          a $38.  ($14 + $24 postage) U.S. Postal money order            version for a cost of $20 ($10 plus $10 for
          payable in U.S. dollars to reflect the difference in the       shipping) or in a downloadable version (PDF)
          exchange rate and postage cost. To order please send           for the cost of $8. Order and pay with a credit
          a check or money order to: Ethnic Craft Club, St. John         card at Back/Cookbook.
          BC Church, 201 E. Main Street, Uniontown, PA 15401, call
          724-438-1382 (M–F 9 AM–3 PM leave message) or email


                                                     Applications and complete details available on the GCU Website.

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