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                                                                                      Atty. John J. Urban

                    Lessons in

                          the Law

                                    Credit Cards-Who Owns the Card?

                    n several occasions, I got involved in discus-  You can’t realize what I had to do to prove to the SSA
                    sions about  credit cards  and what  happens  that I was alive. I finally got that resolved and my credit
                    when one spouse dies. The question is can  cards were reinstated. My wife could not use my cards
                    the surviving spouse still use the credit card  because I was the primary owner and since she was an
          O when one spouse dies?                              additional user, my cards in her name were also declined.
                      Are you the owner of the card or are you a   Fortunately, my wife had her own credit cards in her
          co-owner with your spouse? If you are a co-owner, then  name and those cards were not affected by my “death.”
          you can continue to use the credit card. If you are the only  The point here is that each spouse should have credit
          owner of the card, your spouse cannot use the credit card  cards  in  their  own  name.  Make  applications  and obtain
          when the owner of the card dies.                     credit cards in your own name before the first spouse
            The next question is how does the credit card company  dies. After the first spouse dies, many surviving spouses
          know you have died? Funeral homes are required to notify  do not or cannot qualify for a credit card, or if they do qual-
          the Social Security Administration (SSA) when someone dies.  ify, the credit card limit may be very low.
          The credit card companies routinely check with SSA to see   Now is the time to review your credit cards and deter-
          who has died and then they will cancel the credit card.  mine who is the primary owner and each spouse should
            A few years ago, the SSA declared me dead. I didn’t  have a credit card or two in their own name. Remember,
          know I was dead until I tried to use my credit card. All  an authorized user of the card loses the right to use the
          three cards I had with me were declined when I tried to  credit card when the first spouse dies.
          use them. When I called the credit card company to find   Questions, comments or ideas about future articles con-
          out why they were declined, I was told I was dead.   tact me at

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                   Hours of Operation

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