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O Christmas Tree...                                 and  being  part  of  the
                                                              many GCU volunteer
          CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6                               opportunities to help
                                                              “our neighbors.” It is
          and the Origin of the Christmas Tree)               my hope that your
            What’s interesting is that just like St. Patrick used the   Christmas tree will be
          three leaved shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy   a focal point of your
          Trinity to the pagan Irish, so also did St. Boniface use in   festive  celebrations,
          his preaching the triangular shape of the fir tree to explain   connecting family and
          the theology of the Holy Trinity: Father and Son and Holy   friends,  generations
          Spirit to the German people. He also explained that the   and cultures in the
          shape of the fir tree is meant to point our minds towards   spirit of joy for “God is
          God. Centuries later the Christmas tree tradition arrived in   with US!”
          the United States thanks to German immigrants.        As the spiritual ad-
            Friends, the Christmas tree has become a beloved tra-  visor and member of
          dition for many of us. All over the world it continues as an   the Board of Directors
          enduring symbol of the holiday season, bringing joy and   of the GCU, I want to       My sister holding me.
          warmth to our homes, but also to our churches and public   thank you all for your prayers and support. May our Lord
          places. The Christmas tree brings us together to celebrate   Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, bless you, your families
          the Nativity-Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ.      and loved ones at this blessed time of hope and grace.
            This year as you decorate your Christmas tree, a tradi-  Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
          tion that goes back to the 16  century, remember to also   Christos Raždajetsja! Slavite Jeho!
          decorate your soul with prayer, fasting, works of mercy   Sincerely yours in the new-born Christ.

            COMMUNITY MATCHING FUNDS                                   Community Matching Funds

                                                                       TunnelTon, Pa

                                                                       Fall Bash
                                                                       The Fall Bash to benefit the Tunnelton-
                                                                       Conemaugh Township Fire Department was
                                                                       held on Saturday, November 2. This event
                                                                       consists of a drawing of tickets every 15 minutes
                                                                       to win prizes of all kinds. A dinner was also
                                                                       provided to everyone. All profits will go toward
                                                                       the purchase of new fire equipment. Thank you
                                                                       to the GCU for the additional funds through the
          Community Matching Funds                                     Community Matching Funds program.
          Beaver, Pa
                                                                       Thomas Oslick
          Dog Walk Around Seven Oaks
          The third annual Dog Walk around Seven Oaks Event was on
          Saturday, October 12, 2024. Attendees enjoyed a basket raffle and
          treats with all proceeds being donated to the Beaver County Humane
          Society. Thanks to the GCU Community Matching Funds program we
          were able to double our donation to the humane society.

          Molly Kullen
                                                                        GCU Matching Funds check was presented to the Tun-
                                                                        nelton-Conemaugh Twp. Fire Department by Thomas E.
                                                                        Oslick Sr. Excepting the donation is Chief Dave Bruzda,
                                                                        President Andrew Anderson and GCU member Grace

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