Page 12 - DecemberMag2024.12.11.24
P. 12
Community Matching Funds
easT Meadow, nY
Breast Cancer Luncheon
The Annual Breast Cancer Luncheon included Suzanne Mamay,
was held on October 23 at Borrelli’s Patricia Torrente, Marie
Restaurant in East Meadow, NY. Over Dzadik and Cathy & Dennis Marge Russell giving the GCU check to Adelphi Breast
100 people attended and enjoyed the Walsh. Marge Russell went Cancer Hotline and Support Group workers.
company, food and raffles. Forty prizes to the Adelphi Breast Cancer Hot Line at Adelphi, and her group were very
were given away over the course of and Support Group office to present excited and happy. A special thank
the afternoon. Due to the generosity them with a check for $6,000. , which you to the GCU for their continued
of the residents at the Seasons and included GCU Community Matching community support throughout the
GCU members attending, we raised Funds. Reyna, the executive director country.
$4,000. . GCU members
Marge Russell
Check Presentation
The St. Vincent dePaul
conference wants to
thank the GCU for
their donations to the
recent walk. It will be a
great asset to help the
poor. Pictured at right is
Marge Russell giving the
check to Ann Lederer.
Attendees enjoying the luncheon. Patty Torrente & Suzanne Mamay.
Community Matching Funds Community Matching Funds
PiTTsBurgh, Pa weirTon, wv
VA Pittsburgh Health Care St. Paul Christian Mother’s Card Party
System On Sunday, September 29, the annual Card Party
Ascension Church in event took place. A luncheon was served, baskets
Clairton, PA and St. John were raffled off as well as a 50/50 chance along
Cathedral in Munhall, PA with the card party. Thanks to the GCU Community
joined forces to gather Matching Funds program for boosting this event’s
donations for homeless and profits to assist the Mother’s Club.
needy veterans. Supplies Dee Krinock
were collected including
personal care items, hats
and gloves, games and
books, clothing and lots of Check presentation to David
snacks. The results were Difuccia and Ashley Girimonti
overwhelming as we tallied by GCU member Trish Roberts
items totaling more than (center).
$3,000. . Thanks to the
GCU Community Match for The card party crowd.
the additional funding to
help our veterans.
Trish Roberts