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Our Lady of Perpetual Help
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          virginia BeaCh, va

          Labor Day, Labor and Play
          On Monday, September 2, fifteen parishioners,
          worked from 9 am until 12 noon beautifying the
          parish grounds, then enjoyed a hot dog lunch. We
          worked again until 3 pm when we were joined by
          more parishioners, and even some of our neighbors,
          who we had invited to “Come and See” our Byzantine
          Parish. Thanks to the GCU Parish Social Grant for    St. John Byzantine Catholic Church
          assisting with funding for the day’s activities.     wilkes-Barre, Pa

          Joe Bernard | Byzantine Parish Coordinator           Appreciation Luncheon
                                                               St. John Parish held an appreciation lunch on the feast
                                                               of Archangel Michael (November 8), at Miller’s Ale
                                                               House Restaurant for the members of St. John’s cleaning
                                                               crew. The cleaning crew members are volunteers who
                                                               dedicate their time and hard work to cleaning the church
                                                               monthly. Thank you GCU for the Parish Social Grant
                                                               program funding that assisted with this luncheon.

                                                               Ivanna Prodanets | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                             Some of the crowd at the celebration.

          St. Anne Byzantine Catholic Church
          ClYMer, Pa

          Anniversary Celebration Dinner
          St. Anne’s parishioners and family celebrated the 50
          Anniversary of the Blessing and Dedication of the church
          with a celebratory dinner on Sunday, October 13. Agnes
                                      Long was recognized
                                      as one of the church
                                      founders. It was a
                                      wonderful gathering.     St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
                                      Thanks to the GCU
                                      Parish Social program    windBer, Pa
                                      for assisting with
                                      funding for the dinner.  Annual Parish Picnic
                                                               On Sunday, August 18, 2024 St. Mary Church held its
                                      Janet Petro | Byzantine   annual parish picnic. Following Liturgy a picnic lunch
                                      Parish Coordinator       took place in the parish basement. Thank you GCU for
                                                               providing the food through the Parish Social Grant. 
        Fr. Wes Mash presenting flowers to
        Agnes Long in honor of her being a                     Thresa Valko | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
        founding member of the church.

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