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          St. John the Baptist
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          norThern CaMBria, Pa

          Feast Day Dinner and Fr. Roman Birthday Party
          The parish celebrated our patron saint St. John
          the Baptist’s feast day on June 24 with a pizza
                                 party. On October
                                 19 a birthday party
                                 for pastor, Fr. Roman
                                 Andriitso was held with
                                 pizza and wings. Thank   St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
                                 you GCU for the Parish   weirTon, wv
                                 Social Grant program
                                 to help fund these       Halloween Party
                                 gatherings.              On Sunday, October 27 a Halloween party was held after Liturgy.
                                                          Treat bags filled with goodies were given to each of the kids.
                                 Sandra Ferrance | Byzantine
                                 Parish Coordinator
                                                          Social Hour After Liturgies
                                                          The parish has begun to hold a social hour every Sunday
                                                          after Liturgy. The parishioners love gathering and enjoy the
                                                          fellowship. Both of these activities were funded by the GCU
                                                          Parish Social Grant.

                                                          Marilyn Charnie | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                             Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church
                                             livonia, Mi

                                             Halloween Pumpkin Decorating
                                             The ECF students were given two pumpkins
                                             each to decorate. One pumpkin was for their
                                             own family—the second one was to be given
                                             to a relative or neighbor. The GCU Parish
                                             Social Grant paid for the pumpkins.

                                             Marianne Nagrant | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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