Page 45 - DecemberMag2024.12.11.24
P. 45
St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
Beaverdale, Pa
Ss. Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
dunlo, Pa
Dinner at Rizzo’s Restaurant
Through the generosity of the GCU’s Parish Social Grant, the sister
parishes of St. Mary and Ss. Peter and Paul were able to come together on
Tuesday, October 22 to enjoy Rizzo’s Restaurant’s “Italian Feast.” Thank
you GCU for a wonderful night of dining and of course storytelling.
Deacon Daniel Perich | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
St. Michael Byzantine
Catholic Church
Flushing, Mi
Patron Day Dinner
On Saturday, November 9, the parish
celebrated St. Michael’s Day with
a parish dinner. The GCU Social
Grant program provided carrot cake
for dessert and helped with setup/
cleanup for the event.
Pat Chartier | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
Saints Peter and Paul
Byzantine Catholic Church
PunxsuTawneY, Pa
Donut Sunday Social
Our parish family enjoyed each other’s
fellowship and donuts in the church social hall
following Liturgy on Sunday, November 3 thanks
to the GCU Parish Social Grant program.
Julie Brocious | Byzantine Parish Coordinator