Page 10 - PPL fall 2023 newsletter flipbook_Neat
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Pinehills here we come!

      This year, the Plymouth Public Library Foundation will host its

      in your neck of the woods – thanks to Village Sports!

      On  Wednesday  evening October  word spreads that this is the ideal
      18, 2023, the tennis courts and  way to try the delicacies from new
      pickle ball will fade into the  restaurants and new wines so you
      background replaced by tables  can make reservations later on!
      laden  with  the  finest  food  and
      drinks! Guests will be invited to   For the Library Foundation, this
      sip, savor and support our Library   is our favorite event as  it truly
      while visiting with old friends or   represents all that is special
      making new ones. Local restaurants   about our community – bringing
      serve their most delectable treats   residents and business  owners
      while our beverage partners pour   together for a fun evening
      samples  of  their  finest  wines!   mixing and mingling, bidding
      Attendance keeps growing as        on the silent auction, eating and
      10     Plymouth Public Library Foundation
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