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                   Karen Shulman Exhibit
               To Benefit the Plymouth Public
                 Library Literacy Program

                              October 5 thru Dec 15
                Opening Night Reception October 5th 4pm-7pm
          Karen  Shulman,  resident  of  Pinehills,  will  be  the  featured  artist  on  display  at  the
          Plymouth  Public  Library  October  3,  2023  through  December  2023.  Karen  is  a  talented
          photographer  published  numerous  times  and  is  a  permanent  artist  in  Judith  Leigios
          Design Studio in Naples Fl. She is a member of the Plymouth Art Center, juried artist at
          Cape Cod Art and has won numerous awards.

              Karen is well known for her portfolio “Window Dressing”, created using the
           mannequins on display at Bergdorf Goodmans in NYC. She has a number of other
             creative portfolios including “Gits from the Sea”, and “Dahlias and Botanicals”.

         Karen will donate all of the profits from the sale of her works on display
                  to the Literacy Program at Plymouth Public Library.

           The Literacy Program’s mission is to provide adults in the Greater Plymouth Area the opportunity to
         develop and improve the life skills and literacy skills needed to achieve personal growth, to further their
          education, to seek better employment, and to benefit their overall quality of life. We offer free classes
            for adults (age 16+) who are working towards passing the Hi-SET or GED to obtain a high school
          equivalency diploma. We also provide tutoring for adults learning English as a second language (ESOL).
            Our tutors are volunteers from the community who have completed our tutor training program.

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      6     Plymouth Public Library Foundation
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