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Krystyna Dougert Priscilla Jesse Thomas and Cecelia Nelson
Patricia Dowd Ashley Johnson Peter Neville and
James Doyle and Suzanne Clement Carolyn and James Judge Noreen Carey-Neville
Mary and Bernie Dupuis Susan Kadar and Brenda Boleyn Lisa Noe
Cynthia Espanola Stephen and Dina Karam Aly O’Connor
Moira Fanning Geraldyne Karle Judy and Tom Orlandi
John Felix Harriette Kelly Eve Penoyer
Robin Feltoon Judith Kelly Linda A. Peterson
Paul and Sharon Ferguson Anne Kerrebrock Diana Pierce
Dick Ferraguto Peter Keyes Joan Pilsmaker
Caralie Ford Rosemarie H. Koerth John F. Pinto
Kerrianne Fraser Diane Koplewski Pam and Alan Plant
Nancy Fribley Kevin Krawiec Kathleen Reddy-Smith
Claire Galletti Linda and Walter Kreil Elizabeth K. Reney
Robert and Meredith Gammons Peggy Kuras Patricia Reynolds
Peter Gardella Curtis and Diane Kuta Margaret E. Reynolds
Rosemarie and Louis Gentile Louise Kylander Julie Romandetta
Suzanne Goldberg Claire Kyser Joan Rugani
Wilma Goodhue Elena and Jorge Larco Majid Sairafi
Ameliya Grozdanova Debbie Laveck Pamela Sargent
Mary and Joe Guerriero Lyle Lawrence Linda Sheroff and Bob Freedman
Fran Guida Rosalind Libbey Donna Snethen
Elaine Guilfoyle William Lindsay Thomas and Jerelynn Stadelmann
John and Carolyn Gunther Bill and Judy Lutz Jane Streisfeld
Maegan Harden Nancy Markley Sunshine Committee of
Sergio Harnais Bob and MaryLou Marks Great Islands at the Pinehills
Gail Harris John and Barbara Martel Marcia and Bill Sykes
Ms. Prudence Hartshorn Barbara McCabe Jacqueline van Someren
Anne and Stuart Heller Joyce Merrick Doug and Mary Varnum
Carolyn Hetrick Carol Messmore Paula Vasconcellos
Martha Himes Jim Mirgon Ruth Wagner
Barbara Huston Deana Morgan Lorraine Walsh
Dr. Alan Jacobson and Brian and Nancy Morse Lois and Arnold Weiss
June Mattson Paul Murphy Jacqueline Winokur
Elin Jayko Doreen Napoli Kathleen Young
Janet Jennerjohn Peter Navins Melissa Zabin
2022/23 Season Oh, the Places We’ll Go! PAGE 29
2022/23 Season Oh, the Places We’ll Go! PAGE 31