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choose the projects that I think I can do  JH: My top priority in composing is
        a good job on. The pieces that scare me  the performer and the audience. I
        and challenge me to grow are usually  think the music should be moving and
        the ones I pick to write. But how lucky  memorable. The audience shouldn’t
        am I to have so many people asking?  need a Ph.D. to understand it, and even
        It’s quite a wonderful situation.    if it’s your very first classical concert,
        LC: What’s the hardest part of the   the music should still speak to you.
        business for you? Is it on the creative   That’s my number one priority. Quality
        side? Or more on the “business of    does not have to be sacrificed to
        the business” side – like getting your   communicate, and art has to constantly
        works out there, known and requested   renew in order to survive. This is my firm
        by orchestras or chamber groups, or   belief, and I work constantly to make
        individual musicians?                sure  situations  are always  improving.
        JH: The  creative side is such  a Zen-  We all benefit.
        like experience for me that I find it to   LC: Do you have a piece you’ve
        be a balm to my soul, even when it’s   written that is especially important or
        difficult (which it frequently is). The   meaningful to you? For example, I read
        business side is way more taxing,    up on blue cathedral because it’s one
        but I’m lucky in that I have so many   of my favorites, and I learned about
        performances that I don’t worry      your motivation for and connection to
        about getting my music out there. My   it after your brother’s cancer death.
        challenge is more like making sure I   Perhaps it’s that one, or perhaps
        get scores out on time to performers,   another piece or pieces?
        and managing the interviews and the  JH: I think if I had to pick one piece, it
        performers’ questions. With more  would be blue cathedral, but truthfully,
        than 200 performances a year, it’s a  the entire body of work now feels
        constant balancing act to make sure I  to me like it’s a reflection of my life
        have enough time to write and travel  experience and all the different stages
        to concerts, while accommodating  of  my  life;  selecting  one  work  is  just
        requests.                            impossible. So, I tend to think of the
        LC: Now that we’ve had a peek as to   collection of works (which is more than
        what goes into your creative process,   170 at this point) as my true voice and
        what do you strive for in your finished   my true representation.

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