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Laura Carlo: It’s hard to believe that something new!”
in 2022 we are still shaking our heads JH: I do compose pretty much every
at how few women are recognized in day (always starting first thing in the
the field of classical music. Over the morning). But I’m always working on
course of your career, what have been a particular project: one commission
the changes you’ve seen, for better or at a time, where I’ve been given
worse, for women in classical? specific details, such as duration,
Jennifer Higdon: I have just started instrumentation, and the actual
to see more women’s music getting performers. My brain is constantly
scheduled, but it does seem like it has thinking about the current piece and
just (within the past year) occurred to its challenges, as well as the ever-
orchestras that they’ve been choosing changing shape and direction of the
their repertoire from a tiny pool of music. By showing up every day to
the same gentlemen. They’ve long write, inspiration often comes around
argued that they are relevant to their and visits me.
communities, but the music hasn’t truly So, my days are spent sitting at
reflected the community, and I think it’s a computer entering music into a
becoming obvious that our art needs notation program, noodling around on
to give voice to everyone in some way the piano for musical ideas, looking
(and that it’s possible to do so without at scores for the genre in which I am
sacrificing quality). I’m thankful that writing (to learn more), and staring out
the days where people would say to the window daydreaming about sound
me, “I can’t believe a woman wrote possibilities. And then a part of the day
that!” have passed. I haven’t had that is devoted to the administrative side of
comment in quite a few years. being an artist in today’s world … lots
LC: Did you have any women mentors, of paperwork!
or at least women whose careers you LC: And is composing something
admired, as you began your career? organically a different approach or feel
What about now? than if you’ve been commissioned to
JH: I always looked to my predecessors, write something? Or is the process the
like Joan Tower, Libby Larsen, and Ellen same for you?
Zwilich; whenever I had a question JH: It is organic and is always about
about anything, I would turn to them. the commission that I’m working on,
As to now, that is a good question. I because I find my inspiration comes
find that I’m being asked for advice from the performers themselves.
on a daily basis, so I hope I’m being a Nothing is more inspiring than being
good mentor. able to create for musicians who
LC: What is your composing process? are striving for excellence. I’m very
People imagine you just wake up each fortunate in that I have enough
day and just say “Time to compose commission offers that I can pick and
2022/23 Season Oh, the Places We’ll Go! PAGE 33