Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 28th September 2020
P. 14


       The importance of machinery

       safety in current times

       UK manufacturers are advised to ensure robust safety checks, as well as competency
       assessments for staff, are carried out, before restarting machinery that has been left

       idle due to lockdown restrictions or social distancing because of the coronavirus
       pandemic, suggests Euchner, a leading specialist in safety engineering

              s the economy starts to recover and   Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, which
              factories reopen or ramp-up their   could run into millions of pounds.
              production,  machines  should  be   Service and consultancy safety professionals
       Ainspected to ensure they are still safe to   from Euchner have experience from across multiple
       use, a requirement of the Provision and Use of Work   industries and can bring knowledge and best
       Equipment Regulations (PUWER). This includes the   practice to help compensate for staff shortages and
       use of Risk Assessments to uncover potential   bridge the potential gap between an organisation’s
       hazards that may occur during the reintroduction or   Health & Safety (H&S) management and its
       scaling up of machinery, to identify and resolve any   engineering team by assessing machinery and
       issues that potentially pose a risk to employees.   operating procedures from an independent
         A challenge facing the manufacturing industry is   viewpoint.
       the possible effect furlough and self-isolation is   Often in-house assessments identify that
       having, leading to staff shortages resulting in   guarding and safety equipment is present on the
       operators running plant and equipment they may   machine, such as light-guards, safety interlocks and
       not have experience of, or had any formal training   emergency stops, but the control philosophy behind
       on. This includes the often-stretched maintenance   these devices is not always considered. By utilising
       teams. It’s vital that employers reassess the   Euchner’s experience, engineers and H&S managers
       competence of their employees to run machinery   can learn the consequences of shortcomings in the
       they may not have operated for some time.   safety system that could cause equipment to fail in
         PUWER is a requirement for companies to   a dangerous manner.
       ensure that all their work equipment including   Euchner does not only undertake PUWER
       machinery is safe to operate. Thorough checks   assessments but can also help by suggesting
       before restarting equipment that has been   unbiased safety solutions, so that the end user is
       mothballed due to the virus could prevent   not only made aware of where their equipment falls
       accidents, injuries or fatalities, as well as avoiding   short of the regulations but giving them practical
       potential imprisonment or unlimited fines under the   advice on how to put it right.

                         September 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p14
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