Page 19 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 28th September 2020
P. 19


       be desired to get increased torque out of the motor
       via increased current, keeping the overall size of the   made easy
       motor as small as possible. But the on-time
       requirements for the cycle must be balanced such
       that the current drawn does not cause the motor to
       exceed its maximum operating temperature.
         Duty cycle must also be considered in relation to
       environmental factors. Will the motor be mounted
       to a base which can conduct heat away? Is there air
       flow around the motor which will help keep it cool?
       Is the motor in an enclosure where other
       components are generating heat, raising the
       ambient temperature?

       Fixed versus portable
       The type of application being designed will dictate
       different factors be considered for the motion
       solution. If the product remains in a fixed location,
       the size and weight of the motor may be less
       important, allowing flexibility in the overall size of
       the motor for performance optimisation within the
         A mobile or ambulatory product primarily draws
       power from a battery, making the current draw of
       the motor a critical consideration. The lower the
       current draw (while meeting the required
       performance), the longer the battery will last
       between charges. Also, size and weight become a
                                               ... and easily

       As we have seen, there are many factors to consider
       when choosing the optimum motion technology for
       a given application. There may be one or more   ®
                                               iglidur special parts eliminate lubricants and
       primary factors which would provide a starting point   reduce weight: from chassis to transmission
       to determine the most suitable motor technology.   – customised iglidur polymer plain bearings.
                                               Last longer and cost less with fast delivery.
       But only by carefully reviewing all the factors and
       their impact will the most appropriate motor
       technology be settled on to optimise the
       performance of the product.
                                                      Technical enquiries: Tel. 01604 677240
       September 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p19
                                          ... plastics for longer life ®
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