Page 21 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 28th September 2020
P. 21

as required and ensure stable
       stock levels? Can they provide
       ISIR, FAIRs or PPAP documents as

       Quality control
       With quality assurance being a
       proactive approach to quality,
       quality control is reactive. Quality
       Control is where manufacturers
       evaluate products from the
       production supply chain before
       acceptance; these tests can be
       visual checks against gold-
       standard product or by the completion of detailed   springs before releasing them to production. Similar
       records  verifying  product   against   tests can be used to establish the properties of all
       drawings/specifications. However, quality control   stock, from highly accurate digital measuring to the
       can only reduce risk to a certain extent. If a   material hardness of any given product.
       manufacturer often receives late parts or finds   On-site  testing  equipment  enables
       themselves rejecting many parts, it might be time to   manufacturers to verify that critical characteristics
       think about changing the approach to inventory   such as hardness, smoothness and maximum load
       management, for example by changing supplier or   capacity are met before acceptance of their
       turning to VMI.                      inventory. Businesses who pair quality assurance
         VMI suppliers help manufacturers manage   and quality control operate more efficient and
       quality control through on-site surveys and ongoing   valuable production lines.
       reviews, ensuring a full understanding of the   Manufacturers may not have all the necessary
       manufacturer’s needs, both in regards to   testing equipment and will often require lengthy
       specifications and quantity. Any small variation   verification of their inventory by the use of third
       outside of agreed specification or quantity, whether   parties, a process that can take months. Because
       caused externally or internally, could lead   TFC has a dedicated testing centre in Heathfield,
       automated systems that rely on stable supplies to   where it verifies all agreed quality specifications
       malfunction. Ensuring quality standards are   upon the parts it supplies to VMI customers,
       recognised, controlled and met, is therefore not only   manufacturers do not have to worry about in-house
       a matter of competitiveness, but a means to reduce   quality checking when components arrive on their
       downtime and unnecessary costs.      line.
                                              This verification allows not only a reduction in
       Specialised equipment                waiting times that could halt a business’
       In-house experts can enhance quality management   manufacturing process, but will ensure cost savings
       systems with specialised equipment for testing. For   and reduce downtimes and improve the efficiency of
       example, compression testing enables engineers to   the manufacturing process.
       determine the load and deflection characteristics of

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