Page 20 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 28th September 2020
P. 20


       Vendor managed inventory for

       manufacturing excellence

       Brian Vince, group auality manager at TFC, outlines how inventory quality
       can be assured by vendor managed inventory (VMI) suppliers

                recent Deloitte report suggests that   Quality assurance ensures essential controls are
              automotive manufacturers spend on   understood and in place, and goods can be verified
              average over £70,000 per site every year   before the items are received. This vital review of
       Ato comply with quality management   the requirements at the beginning of the supply
       system requirements. While this is worth spending   chain reduces the chance of future problems
       to avoid the myriad of visible and hidden costs of   emerging, saving the manufacturer’s time and
       poor-quality manufacturing, it doesn’t all have to be   money.
       an in-house burden. Delegating quality measures   In VMI systems, clients entrust all inventory
       across the supply chain can add value while   management to one supplier, leading to a closer
       streamlining processes. Within aerospace, oil and   business relationship as well as making it easier to
       gas, automotive and medical industries, where   understand customer needs and react quickly to any
       rigorous quality is vital for safety-critical and   demands when they arrive. Transparency is
       compliance reasons, this can result in significant   essential and serves as a tool to reduce unnecessary
       savings as well as confidence that products are fit   checks, entrusting risk management to those
       for purpose and available when required.   directly responsible for the design of components
         Split  between  two  processes,  quality   and processes.
       management includes the two main areas of quality   While trust enables a reduction in unnecessary
       assurance and quality control. Quality assurance   checks and costs, achieving it requires substantial
       focusses on proactively preventing the introduction   knowledge of the manufacturing market. VMI
       of defects, such as monitoring and optimising   providers already have established relationships
       processes, whereas quality control is a method of   with trustworthy and approved supply chains. They
       checking that products meet the agreed standards   may also perform many of the necessary quality
       or specifications. Both are central to ensuring   checks in house, so it is worth establishing the
       quality end products.                capabilities of your provider and understanding its
                                            commitment to quality before investing in a VMI
       Quality assurance                    system. For example, do they meet the quality
       As the first line of defence for manufacturers, quality   conditions of ISO9001, and, for aerospace AS
       assurance proactively sets up processes and   9100:2016/9120:2016 standards? Can they
       procedures which cover all product requirements.   provide correct certification, verify all critical areas

                         September 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p20
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