Page 18 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 28th September 2020
P. 18

Operational lifetime
       The motion system has a job to perform which is
       typically defined in a number of cycles per day and
       time per cycle or hours of operation per day and
       duty cycle of operation. With these details, we can
       determine the approximate number of hours the
       motion system needs to complete over the
       anticipated product life.
         This impacts on the motor choice.
       Brushed DC motors have a mechanical
       commutation system that wears over time, limiting   and control the position of the rotor. Standard
       the lifetime of the motor. Brushless DC and stepper   encoders offer a range of resolutions within the
       motors are electronically commutated and therefore   same package size to meet the varying
       do not have any wear associated with commutation,   requirements of applications. Increased resolution
       giving them a longer expected lifetime.   can be gained by the addition of a gearbox on the
         Another factor to consider for lifetime of the   front of the motor. The resolution is multiplied by
       motion system is the bearing system. Sleeve   the gear ratio, so combining the encoder and
       bearings will provide a few thousand hours of life   gearbox multipliers can achieve precise positioning.
       while ball bearings will generally provide in excess   Stepper motors provide positional accuracy
       of 10,000 hours of life. Of course, we are assuming   based on their mechanical construction. The
       that the radial and axial load applied to the motion   number of poles on the rotor will dictate the number
       system shaft stays within the design limits of the   of steps per revolution, providing a step angle for
       specification, and that there will not be elevated   each pulse given to the motor. Drivers typically can
       temperatures that will reduce the lifetime of the   increase this resolution by half-stepping or micro-
       lubrication.                         stepping, creating intermediate electrical steps
                                            between the mechanical ones. The addition of a
       Mechanical envelope                  gearbox is an option here too, gaining the additional
       A critical first action is to confirm that the chosen   resolution of the gear ratio.
       motor technology is available in a diameter and
       length that will fit in the allotted space within the  Duty cycle
       application. While the speed and torque   Typically, the motor does not run continuously but
       requirements can often be met by one or more   rather operates for a period (on-time) and then rests
       motor technologies, and even by variations within a   for a period (off-time). The main consideration with
       given technology, the power capability needs to be   the duty cycle is the temperature rise of the motor.
       reviewed to ensure required mechanical envelope   All motors have a maximum rated temperature and
       can be achieved.                     operating the motor above that temperature can
                                            lead to damage to internal components.
       System accuracy                        The amount of current drawn by the motor will
       Another factor to review is the accuracy required   dictate the temperature rise; the higher the current
       from the motion system. Both brushed and   the faster the temperature will rise. Since current is
       brushless DC motors require an encoder to track   proportional to the torque output of the motor, it can

                         September 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p18
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