Page 14 - Industrial Technology February 2020
P. 14


         Using                                                                         to provide

         relief for dental patients

                                MOTORS AND GEARED MOTORS

         STEWART GOULDING, MANAGING DIRECTOR AT EMS, EXPLAINS HOW                           the  bearings,  the  more  the  bur  can  wobble.  As  chatter
                                                                                            impacts the precision and degree of effort dentists must
                                                                                            take when performing procedures, opting for an electric-
                                                                                            motor controlled tool can help to improve accuracy and
            f  you’ve  ever  suffered  from  a  toothache,  you  know  patient’s  teeth  requires  extreme  care  and  precision  and  make the dentist’s job easier. Without chatter, the bur is in
            that  the  pain  it  causes  can  be  life-disrupting.  effective treatment lies in the hands of a qualified dentist  contact  with  a  patient’s  teeth  for  less  time,  which  also
            Alarmingly,  there  are  growing  numbers  of  people  and the tools they use. For this reason, increasingly high  reduces the chance of causing tooth sensitivity.
         Iacross the UK waiting for dental treatment in pain.  performance  equipment  is  needed  to  improve  patient  To  improve  reliability  and  efficiency,  dentists  benefit
         The increasing sophistication of micromotors is having a  treatment.               from motors that are smaller, more lightweight and able to
         major impact on dentistry, leading to faster and improved  Many dental applications such as polishing, cleaning  get  the  job  done  faster.  These  factors  are  extremely
         treatment.                               and cutting – even the adjustments that can be made to  important when delivering effective care, so dentists can
           Oral  health  is  directly  related  to  overall  health.  The  the  patient’s  chair  – are  powered  by  micromotors.  A  fix  a  patient’s  problems  in  the  most  comfortable  and
         World  Health  Organisation  (WHO)  recognises  that  poor  patient’s mouth is a small working space, so dental tools  hassle-free way possible.
         oral  health  can  negatively  impact  both  physical  and  must be handheld and designed to fit comfortably into the  Choosing the best micromotors is crucial to producing
         mental  wellbeing  by  causing  chronic  pain,  hindering  patient  without  obstructing  the  dentist’s  view  of  their  a high quality, reliable dental device. EMS is the sole UK
         speech and preventing consumption of certain foods. It is  teeth.  Chatter  is  an  issue  faced  by  dental  tools  using  provider  of  the  Faulhaber  precision  motor  range  which
         clear that good oral hygiene is crucial for a high quality of  traditional  air  turbine  systems,  caused  by  ball  bearing  includes  the  Faulhaber  BHx  1645  and  1660  brushless
         life.  Dentistry  is  a  skilled  profession.  The  handling  of  a  wear in the air turbine that leads to bur wobble. The older  motor series, specifically tailored for handheld tools and

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