Page 22 - Collins Hill Advanced Placement Handbook
P. 22


               Description: This Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition course is designed to
               develop your ability to read and understand literature, communicate in writing and in speech,
               and polish skills you will need in your academic and professional future. The course follows the
               curricular requirements described in the AP English Course Description, and, unlike other levels
               of language arts, the “Advanced Placement” designation indicates that this is a college-level
               literature course with increased academic rigor and intellectual demands.

               Skills for Success: The most important skills for AP English Literature and Composition are
               reading and writing. You must read every assignment—with care and on time. You will need to
               plan time in your schedule for more reading than most courses require. Novels and plays in
               particular require planning. The writing assignments in this course are varied but include writing
               to understand, writing to explain, and writing to evaluate. All critical writing asks that you
               evaluate the effectiveness of a literary piece, but being an effective evaluation requires you to
               understand and explain. You will write critical papers of varying lengths, explicating poetry,
               short fictions, and drama, and performing a close reading of novels. Each paper will use a
               specific and well-chosen evidence to communicate an argument about poems, drama, and
               fiction. These critical essays are based on close textual analysis of structure, style, and
               social/historical values.

               Academic Suitability: Gifted and honors language arts courses provide the best foundation for
               success in AP English Literature and Composition. Regardless of previous courses, however,
               students must attend class regularly, practice purposeful engagement during class, and
               complete all assignments to the best of their ability.

               Out of Class Commitments: Through the course of the year, students will read at least five
               novels. Students complete all reading at home, and all reading assignments include written
               work that focuses on character development and thematic ideas. Culminating assignments for
               novels include major work reviews and preparation of Socratic seminars. Students should
               devote about 30 minutes every day to AP English Literature and Composition.

               Summer Work: Students read and annotate a novel, and the novel serves as the basis to
               introduce and develop the foundational skills of the course.


               *AP English Literature and Composition can be taken in place of Senior Language Arts (a 12
               grade graduation requirement).
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