Page 24 - Collins Hill Advanced Placement Handbook
P. 24

AP French and Language & Culture

               Description: The Advanced Placement French Language and Culture course is comparable to
               5th and 6th semester College or University courses. This course focuses on speaking and writing
               in the target language at an advanced level. The course encompasses listening and speaking
               skills, reading comprehension, comprehensive grammar review, and composition. This course is
               taught entirely in French

               Skills for Success: This course focuses on strengthening communication abilities in French in
               order to demonstrate: strong interpersonal, presentational , and interpretive modes; a strong
               command of French linguistic skills, including accuracy and fluency, that supports
               communicative ability; comprehension of French intended for native speakers in a variety of
               settings, types of discourse, topics, skills, and broad regional variation; ability to produce French
               that is comprehensible to native speakers in a variety of settings, types of discourse, and topics.

               Academic Suitability: Students should have completed French 3 and/or French 4, received a
               teacher recommendation and/or have completed a placement exam with a French teacher.

               Out of Class Commitments: Most of what is learned in the course is accomplished with
               intensive work in the classroom. Outside work includes studying for quizzes and exams, writing
               essays, listening practice and finishing work not completed during class time.

               Summer Work: Yes. The summer assignment is designed to keep French skills fresh. There are 8
               entries to complete in a journal that you purchase at the beginning of the summer and will be
               used in class all year. The eight entries vary in length and requirements but are not very time
               consuming. Other than listening requirements, text comprehension and dictation, students will
               have to complete activities on a website, watch a French film and listen to French music.

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