Page 12 - Issue 2_2018
P. 12
CFO Joseph Baffuto reported that 2017 had been a financial success.
Litter registration were up 7% to 240,000, dog registrations up 7% to Reading Those
502,000, but pedigree requests were down 4% to 229,000. Total net
assets increased from $74,090 million to $90.460 million, a 22% in- Confusing Show Wins
crease. The responsible increase in total revenue included $21 million
from registrations, $2 million from digital advertising, $736,000 from
e-commerce, $637,000 from CGC and Trick Dog programs. Event en- Bitch – female
tries were stable at $3.1 million, resulting in $11.7 million of revenue. Dog – male, also generic for both sexes
There were 22,000 licensed events. Expenses during 2017 increased
$7.1 million due primarily to an increased in FTE’s and consulting fees Puppy or 6-9 Puppy – This class is for puppies that are at least six
as well as to pension obligations. The return on investments was months old through those that are not yet nine months on the day of
$11.6 million, comprising a 12% gain in investments. the show.
Puppy or 9-12 – This class is for puppies that are nine months through
Mention was made of the new AKC television channel, accessible as those that are not yet 12 months on the day of the show. This was described as an “OTT” network, broadcast Puppy 12-18 – This class is for puppies that are 12 months through
over the internet, like Netflex and Hula. On-going as well as accessible those that are not yet 18 months on the day of the show.
programming for dog lovers will be featured.
Bred by Exhibitor – The handler must also be the breeder and owner
Sheila Goffe, V.P. of Government Relations, presented an award to or co-owner, or a member of the immediate family of the breeder/
Dog Owners of the Granite State for its continuing work in legislative owner.
involvement in New Hampshire. She also emphasized the impor-
tance of members of the dog fancy contributing to the AKC PAC. Each American Bred – The dog must be bred and whelped in the USA.
individual club member should consider contributing at least $35, the
current entry fee for most dog shows, as an individual contribution Open – Any dog may enter this class, including puppies and foreign
and more money would be welcome. imports.
The March Delegates Meeting includes the election of new members BOB or Specials – This class is for Champions of Record.
to the AKC Board of Directors. Those elected to three-year terms after
this year’s unusually lively campaign were: Harold Tatro III, Fort Worth Veterans – Dogs and Bitches over seven years of age. These may
Kennel Club; Ann Wallin, Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.; and Christopher L. be subdivided into ages, such as 7-9, 9- 11, 11 and over. In specialty
Sweetwood, Trap Falls Kennel Club. Ronald H. Menaker, Memphis Ken- shows, the winners may compete for BOB.
nel Club, was elected to the one-year term which will complete the
vacancy occasioned by the untimely death of board member Stephen Brood Bitch and Stud Dog – These are dams and sires with at least
D. Gladstone. two of their “get” or progeny. These classes are held following BOB
competition and are judged on the quality of the get, as well as the
Since delegate committee meetings are held simultaneously, the commit- consistency.
tee meetings which I generally attend are the Canine Health Committee,
of which I am a member, and the Parent Club Committee. (By “parent Brace – Two dogs shown together. These are judged on their similarity
clubs” the AKC means breed clubs, such as the ATCA.) as well as their quality.
My report is not intended to be an official report of the business con- National Specialty shows — sponsored by the Parent Club of the
ducted by the various delegate committees or by the official Delegate breed, usually held once a year in various areas of the country.
Meeting. Summaries of the minutes for all meetings are posted on the
AKC website. If you need the full official minutes for a committee meeting Championships are achieved when the dog reaches 15 points. Majors
or a transcript of the actual Delegates Meeting, I can access these and are shows that are classified as three, four or five points. Minors are
forward them to you. one and two point shows. A dog must have at least two major wins
and wins under at least three different judges to become a Champion.
Wins in dog shows are progressive. The winner of each class must re-
turn for the “Winners” class. Out of these blue-ribbon dogs, a Winners
Dog is chosen. This dog is the only one that receives Championship
point(s). The second-place dog of the class which the WD won returns
to the ring for Reserve Winners Dog. If the WD is found ineligible for
any reason, the RWD receives the points. This is rare, but does oc-
casionally happen.The same scenario is repeated in the bitches. Once
a dog (or bitch) is beaten, it does not continue to compete (with the
exception of the RWD).
Following WB, the Champions enter the ring, along with WD and WB.
Any of these are eligible for Best of Breed. After the Best of Breed is
chosen, the Best of the Opposite Sex to the BOB is chosen. A Best
of Winners is also chosen. If the WD or the WB goes BOB, that dog is
automatically BOW. At a specialty show, the BOB is occasionally also
called BISS.
All BOB winners are eligible to compete in Group, but are not required
to stay. All Group winners compete for Best in Show.