Page 14 - Issue 2_2018
P. 14

Australian Terrier Trust

                                            “The AusTTrust”

                                 Assisting the Australian Terrier Club of America Inc.,
                                in supporting our breed through Health and Education

        This year’s Specialty is now in the history books and was a great suc-                       The CD will be
        cess for the Trust.  The Trust wishes to express its appreciation to Ellen                   available in the
        Chaput for her donation of “Bubble Bath” which was auctioned off this                        ATCA Store for
        year at the National Specialty.                                                              purchase, TBA, and
                                                                                                     all proceeds will go
        Another of her wonder-                                                                       the ATCA General
        ful art works was a print                                                                    Funds.
        of “Wonder in Aussie
        Land” which was given                                                                        Purina is changing
        to the Trust.  These two                                                                     their Weight Circle
        items brought in $450.00.                                                                    Program.  Individual
        Combined with the sale                                                                       Breeders and Clubs
        of Note Cards of Norma                                                                       will still benefit as
        Rowley’s “The Look”,                                                                         before but Weight
        Crocheted Toy Balls made                                                                     Circle submission
        by Celeste Platt and                                    will be discontinued July 31, 2018.
        donated Crocheted hats,
        scarves and a beaded                                    You must turn in Purina Weight circle by July 31. After that date
        leash brought in almost                                 Purina will no longer accept weight circles and will only be accepting
        $600.00.                                                receipts.

        The Trust was also gifted                               To be eligible for redemption Weight Circle submissions must be post-
        a print of Leonard Nemoy                                marked no later than July 31.
        which was recently sold
        to benefit the Trust .                                  To redeem receipts go to to log in to your
                                                                Pro Club account. Click the Receipt Scanning tab on the right side of
        While Auctions and sales of items are wonderful, we depend on the   the home page. Browse the page to learn more about benefits and
        donations from you, “Friends of Aussies”, to provide us with the funds   perks of Receipt Scanning.
        to sponsor such events as our Education Day Speaker, Dr. Jerold Bell
        and to pay for the cost of the filming of his presentation.  Dr. Bell   The Trust and Canine Health Foundation benefit from your continued
        spoke of the Ins and Outs of Pedigree Analysis, Genetic Diversity, and   submission of these weight circles and now receipts.
        Genetic Disease Control article based on Australian Terrier pedigrees.

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